The Met Line Journal

The life and times of a small man called Min, his daily journey's from Rayners Lane to Farringdon.

This blog is an insight into the wonderful world of the Met Line, packed into chunky bites of random thoughts, the weird and the wonderful sites I see on my journey to and from work, and the odd comedy gag...

Read it and weep (with laughter)...

Monday 13 February 2012

Monday 13th February 2012 - The Journey Home

17:52 All Stations Uxbridge

Well good evening Ladies and Gentlemen. I hope you had a great day. I knew my day had got off to a blinding start when the mobile buzzed at 8am with a lovely txt from TFL saying a tube was stuck at Rayners. However the excitement of getting on the Northbound platform BUT going southbound was well exciting, though I've never been so squashed in my life. Polite notice my fellow travellers, it's the start of the week...have a bath, as loads of u stink. I had to plug my nostrils with my ear plugs which did get some strange looks but man, it was bad.

So, who watched BodyGuard last night? To be honest with you my dear blog reader, I was surprised that Star Gold released it so quickly, but yeah "Lucky Singh", and "my hairs moves in the wind even though I'm in a room" were pants as was the plot. What's that? Who died...ahh..

Reading the Evening Standard that Abu Qatada has to be released because he hasn't broken any rules in England. Oh yeah? What about the rule that says you have to have a 'u' after 'q'?

As you can tell, I'm still in a bit of a rant mode following sweaty Monday.

A man opposite is reading the newspaper through his forehead. Well that's where his glasses are. It's about "Chelsea needing their old guards". Me think it's all over for them now..

There is also a story about the race for London mayor. There is nothing in it folks. Well 2 points to Boris over Ken.

Also we have Adele with her 6 Grammys. Well done to you. She won in every category she was nominated for. Wonder if she thanked her ex boyfriend for the inspiration he gave here...

Just reading a bit more about Whitney. They say that she had shoved up most of her £100m fortune up her nose and relied on friends for handouts. Such a shame, such a great talent. Hope someone's watching Maria...

Big day tomorrow. I know I shouldn't but I had a look at Preeti's browsing history last night. She has been spending a lot of time on a site called She must be trying to get me tickets to next week's FA Cup tie as a surprise Valentine's present, bless her...

Right, let's leave it there gang and I've finally got a seat and need to unplug the headphones from my nose.

Have a great sleep!

A small man called Kawks

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