The Met Line Journal

The life and times of a small man called Min, his daily journey's from Rayners Lane to Farringdon.

This blog is an insight into the wonderful world of the Met Line, packed into chunky bites of random thoughts, the weird and the wonderful sites I see on my journey to and from work, and the odd comedy gag...

Read it and weep (with laughter)...

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Wednesday 29th February 2012 - The Journey Home

18:19 All stations to Uxbridge

Happy Leap Year! Whoo hoo. Well that's what I thought until someone told me that today I had worked for nothing as your salary is based on a standard 365 days, rather than 366. Can you tell I work with Analytics folk...

Apologies for the no show yesterday. the funny thing was that I had one of my highest daily views of the blog (56). More than when I actually post a new blog. Lool as Rajvi would say.

Yesterday I didn't get home till midnight as I went to a work dinner. So didn't fancy tapping away on the blog on the tube with the yoofs looking at me. Wonder if it was the pinstriped suit I was wearing. I engaged in conversation with them ( attack better than defence and all that) and I think they were most impressed with my street language. I said their hoodies were 'Ream' and when they were moaning about the state of the tidiness of the tube I said 'Peak' and again they seem to acknowledge that I was 'safe'. Just as well as those are the only 2 words that Rajvi has taught me...

So I'm more tightly packed on this tube than you would have 'mushrooms' in a curry but I have to keep my 56 daily readers happy and typing this with nose squashed against the door. ...peak.

Went to Subway for lunch today as I heard they have a good offer. They weren't joking! It said choose between 9 subs and a drink for £3. Well that was easy..I chose the 9 subs...

Just using my toes to see if I can turn the paper to see today's headlines.

"Britons target of 7/7 bombers widow. Errr..harram. This is the story of the widow of one of the bombers following in her husbands footsteps. Probably all that was left of him I guess...

Thought for the day: What is it about waking up that babies find so traumatic?

And with that, let's call it a day. Hope to see you tomorrow!

Have a great sleep,

A small man called Kawks

Monday 27 February 2012

Monday 27th January 2012 - The Journey Home

20:12 All stations to Rayners Lane

Well hello there. I trust you had lovely Mondays. What a start this morning. I especially woke up a whole 30 (THIRTY) minutes early today as I needed to work on my jokes for a work presentation (which I've just come from hence why this blog is late). So we all got kicked off at Baker Street, but being a seasoned traveller, I already had Plan B ready which was use the Hammersmith and City line which they then announced was also closed as a train had got Ill at Kings Cross. Cross..I was livid. Ok Plan C was to hop step to Jubilee and then swap at Bond Street to the central line to Chancery Lane. (can you tell there are no newspapers and I'm padding yet?)

Anywhoos, that was an epic fail as the jubilee line was stuck as someone had pulled the alarm ahead and there was also a train stuck on the central line. This is all a long way of saying that I arrived at work at 9.30, 30 minutes later than planned. Moral of the story...practice your jokes the night before...

Ok nicely got to Acton Town with that chat. Lets see what's going on?

3 people are having a nice Russian conversation and laughing a lot. None of them are wearing Russian fur hats or holding those Russian dolls, but being an international traveller, the dialect is subtle and to the layman easily confused with Polish, Khazak or Belarus. Impressive Kawks I hear you say. Lets just say years of forensic training and knowing that the devil is in the detail. That and the "I didn't vote for Putin T- shirts..."

Ooo ooo, bagged my self a bargain at lunchtime on Fleet Street today. This bloke was selling the audio book for The Artist which I believe won an Oscar last night, for £20. Bargain...can't wait to hear the dialogue..

Just reading the paper over someone's shoulder and I see that the Government has announced radical new plans to cut the length of the dole queues. It says that they are going to make people stand closer together.

Right, let's leave it there as its late and I need to hide my iPhone.

Have a great sleep,

A small man called Kawks

Friday 24 February 2012

Friday 24th February 2012 - The Journey Home

18:13 All stations to Uxbridge

Yayyeee, and Houston we have landed. The weekend has begun and it's smiles all round on the met line. I'm having a little dance on the fun fair bit on the new (rubbish) train to mark this momentous moment.

There is a yoof on the tube who thinks they are the business. Hoodie, check, big oversized cap over the hood, check,attitude face, check. You will love this. He is far to cool to listen to 'raster clart bad music (drum and bass) with something as traditional as headphones. Oh no, he is blasting it through his phone speaker! Brilliant!

Everyone is tutting but obviously not making eye contact just in case he has a knife or something. He just looked at me as he's seen I'm busy tapping away and I've given him the 'Kawks smile' and nod to say - mate go for it, this is filling up my blog nicely.

I very nearly decided not to do the blog today as I thought I'd read a library book I got last week called 'Fort Knox', but I can't seem to get into it...

Right, back to the agenda.

Today's headline is "Battersea power station: new sale" woah, offers in the region of £500m. The agent says its as iconic as the Eiffel tower, Big Ben and the London eye. Hmm, funny that...Being Indian, I might try putting in a cheeky offer of £147500. It's got to be worth that in bricks alone, though may need to do a few trips taking them to the scrapyard in my Lexus.

Question of the day: What's the opposite of realise? Glass eyes...

Right, back to dancing to the yoof's music..

Have a great sleep,

A small man called Kawks

Thursday 23 February 2012

Thursday 23rd February 2012 - The journey home

18:00 All stations to Uxbridge

Currently squashed like a sardine with 36 people in my bit. It's obviously parents day or something!

Left work at a bit more of a sensible time today but knackered as was in back to back meetings since 9am.

Advert is good old "are you sitting comfortably.." are they taking the piss! Ah.. It's that bladder one again. Reckon I'm gonna have to stand till Sakoni's.

Last night, this chap knocked on our door asking if there were any odd jobs that needed doing? So I made him shave a squirrel...

Thought for the day as we haven't had one for a while: Global warming is now thought to be a leading cause of documentaries...

Let's check out today's headline. "MP goes berserk in bar brawl at commons"
Woah. Why the long face time! It says he was ex army and head butted a fellow MP as well as hit 3 other MP's.
Not so happy about us looking at your expenses perhaps?

There is also a story about a senior department of health lawyer who is alleged to have treated her Indian maid as a slave and took her passport so she couldn't leave. Wow, that's shocking. She had a passport...

Got a seat at Finchley road. Thanks for asking.

Ok one final observation. Everyone is fed up of hearing about Greece. We're all losing interest...

Right, time to dash so have a great dinner and a lovely sleep,

A small man called Kawks

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Wednesday 22nd February 2012 - The journey home

21:28 All stations to Uxbridge

Yes gang, you read that right..9:28 And still only at Farringdon. Had a dinner event at work, though told Preeti I was working hard at my desk. I also hinted that I've been working late recently as I'm actually having an affair. She couldn't stop laughing...

Sorry for the late blog peeps, I know we have a schedule to keep but there we are. So what's going on. I hope you had a great pancake day yesterday.

Preeti said I should get some stuff for the pancakes yesterday, but was a bit surprised when I turned up with a push up bra...sorry bit rude but we are past the watershed hour.

I'm not saying that the people on this train look tired, but the bloke opposite me is holding his book upside down.

Today's headline is "brave marie killed in Syria siege" oh dear. It says that 10 rockets hit the press centre.

There is also an announcement that the mall will be closed for 3 months for the jubilee and the Olympics. Err how's
The queen gonna go anywhere?...

Listening to two women having a chat. One of them said she has just come back from her dad 97th birthday party. The other one said 'really, what's his secret' to which she has just replied: "he was born a long time ago"....brilliant! Must catch this late tube more often.

Did you all watch the Brits yesterday? Man how rubbish and long was that speech from Blur. As I've just said to Rani...less is more on these occasions

Adele only got 12 secs bless..still that anger will be used to help write her next album I'm sure.

Right, feeling like a nap now, so have a great sleep,

A small man called Kawks

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Tuesday 21st February 2012 - The Journey Home

18:35 All stations to Uxbridge

Evening all. Another crazy day at work and had a good external audience to try out my jokes. OK, so they may have been heads of their departments in their FTSE 100 companies, but everyone likes a joke right?

Let's see if they let me back into the building tomorrow!

Ok, let's get cracking. I hope you all picked up on my tip yesterday and watched "The Tube" yesterday on the Beeb at 9pm. How interesting was that. And to feature HOH station as well. Well it doesn't get any better than that. I kept looking for a shiny head with a muchi but alas I didn't see myself. Won't stop me rerunning it again just to make sure!

The thing that was most interesting (sad) was that people generally don't care! Ok so someone's been stabbed, dead going up and down the escalator, but the most important thing is 'how am I going to get home now! Tut tut peeps. Tut tut.

Headline today is "vote fraud fears are exposed in run up to mayor poll" Wowza. It says that some flats seemed to have registered up to 8 people PER BEDROOM. Woah, I was gonna do a chinese joke there but thought better of it...

So last week I got a +1 to a wedding invite from a work colleague yet they seemed surprised & annoyed when I turned up an hour after everyone else...

Today's advert is an advert to say you should have an advert. It's from CBS outdoor. Catchy tag line (not) of Outdoor by name, outdoor by nature. How rubbish is that! And why are they advertising indoors? Fail..

OMG, just realised that it's Pancake day today. That crepe'd up on me...

Ok, let's leave it there. Have a lovely 'plain dhosa' sleep.

A small man called Kawks

Monday 20 February 2012

Monday 20th February 2012 - The Journey Home

18:09 All stations to North Action

Well hello there! How are we all and I hope you all had wonderful weekends and a good start to the week.

As you can tell, I'm sounding a bit different today as I've just come back from a work do at the Olympic Village where we (the firm) has a house overlooking the stadium. It all looks really amazing. We were given a tour of the roof top terrace and they have the SAME track (well about 20 yards of it) as the athletes will be running round in July and August. Wowza. I obviously had a go on it and let's just say they are seeing if they can shoe horn me into team GB. They told us some great facts and figures about the games, but the one etched in my brain is that they had to procure 100,000 condoms for the athletes. Double Wowza.

The new Westfield (Straford City) looks impressive and I'm thinking of bringing Preeti and Rajvi here next weekend. Especially as I saw that not only do they have a Primark, but also a GREGGS! Woopidoo

Sorry for the break in concentration but a massive dog (the one in Turner and Hooch) has just got on and is looking at me. Ok, he getting off at St Paul's so we can continue.

Today was certainly like one of those 'A day in the life' episodes. This morning I had a film crew who shot some video of me talking about my job for a global work conference in Barcelona (hope you said that with an accent), followed by a number of meetings with some very senior peeps and then topped off with this event!

This is where I thank my parents for letting me join the Judgemeadow Computer club when I was 13 and start the journey to what I do now.

Ok, so we are doing nicely on the Central line and I've let Preeti know about the change in tube line so she can pick me up at Northolt.

Ok, let's check out the headlines. "million get head-start' in Olympics ticket race. Wow..and how timely!

Ok, it's about the 1m people that missed out first time round. Nice, bet only the dreggs are left now I have my table tennis tickets!

Oo oo, another interesting fact I learnt is that 5,000 tons of sand will be used for the beach volleyball competition. That's a lot of trips to and from B&Q...

There is also a story about tomorrow being the last day for the Chelsea manager.

Ok, now this is interesting and looks like a must watch. Today in BBC2, no idea what time, is a documentary about the day to day life working on the tubes!!! It says you will learn what they mean when they say "Can a cleaner attend to a Code 1 (blood) to the other 5 codes (poops to vomit to litter).

One of the lines in the programme will be "I do apologise for the short notice for the cancellation of this train. This was due to, er, significant vomit in the carriages.

Ok, that's it for this Top Gear special, time to work out when to ring Preeti,

Have a great Olympic sleep,

A small man called Kawks

P.S that tube program is on at 9pm and is a series of 6. Series link it now!...

Friday 17 February 2012

Friday 17th February 2012 - The Journey Home

18:56 All stations to Watford

Whoopee. We are on the journey home and the weekend is upon us. Had a lovely set of meetings and it will be good to "chillax" over the weekend.

Today in my bit we have 1 IPhone, 1 Blackberry Torch, 1 IPad and one Samsung big screen. Neat.

iPhone man is watching a movie and all I can see is some Nazi's moving around. might be Indiana Jones....yep just seen the whip! Good call Kawks..good call.

Today's advert is '' it says single cover from £3. Woah, that's it, will have to tell Preeti that she has to stay home.

Thought for the day: "With great power, comes great responsibility"". To which Preeti said "just give me the bloody remote!"

Today's headline is 'Battle to save Hyde Park Gigs". Woah, this not a story about one of Ryan's cousins but about the concerts coming to an end due to complaints about the noise from 61 residents. Well as far as I'm concerned these residents (tramps and the Queen?) can stick some of the discarded rubbish in their ears if they want some peace. Look at me, and I've never even been to a HP concert!

Book update: I'm hoping that Apple will release my book over the weekend so it's ready for Monday. I'm so working on another one as we speak. I've titled "The A-M of laziness"...

Right, can't be bothered thinking of any more random stuff, so let's leave it there.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and a lovely sleep,

A small man called Kawks

Thursday 16 February 2012

Thursday 16th February 2012 - The Journey Home

18:03 Semi Fast Watford

Well hello gang. Apologies for the no show yesterday, but I got chatting to a work mate and before I realised...I was at Rayners!

Anywhoo, hope you didn't miss me too much. Had a quite dramatic start to the day actually. I forgot to remind Rajvi to put her seat belt this morning. As we were approaching the tube car park, somebody shouted, "You are an irresponsible father!"I said, "Who the hell was that? Stop the car, Raj..."

Boom, and that my friends is why people WORLDWIDE pay to download the book. When I say people, I mean 64 people, when I say's actually free, but you know what I mean.

Apple actually sent me an email today to say I could have 50 promo codes to give my book for free...errr, how is that helpful on a free book!

So coming to the end of the week, the weather is getting better and people seem to have a spring in their step. Ok, maybe not in Athens, but hey can't please all the people all the time right....

Headline today is "side by side in dock: Huhne and his wife". Nope me neither. Let's check it out! Ok so this is the case of him getting her to take the 3 points for speeding and hence perverting the course of justice. They have been married for 26 years and it says they didn't look at each other once. Wow, and how is that different to any other married couple?

Ok time for movie review. Rajvi went to see 'Woman in black' a couple of days ago and she it is 'bear scary'. She told me the story and yeah, I nearly pooed my pants. She said its not suitable if you have a heart condition, are pregnant or operating heavy machinery. She came to our room in the middle of the night, because she had a nightmare. Wonder why?

It was a shame as I was right in the middle of a dream where I was walking around the Kellog's factory. It was so cereal...

Person next to me is playing that run fat boy run game and is doing well. I deleted it off my phone as I couldn't get past double figures.

I am thinking of staying up well late tomorrow as its the end of the week. Maybe getting on Netflix and having a marathon session watching 24 till sun rise. Which reminds me, going sleep at 10:36pm most nights, I was trying to remember what a sunrise was...then it dawned on me.

Ok folks, let's leave it there and one more push tomorrow and we are home free for the weekend,

Have a great sleep,

A small man called Kawks

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Tuesday 14th February 2012 - The Journey Home

18:04 Fast Amersham

Happy Valentines gang. I hope as you are reading this, you are dressing in your finest clobber and getting ready to paint the town red. Me? Nah, can't be dealing with that commercial nonsense. Bit like Mothers day, everywhere is packed, service is rubbish and probably 3 times the price on any other day in the year. Ahhh, who said romance was dead.

I hope you liked my FB poem this morning. Especially pleased with the 'As you approach, I'm breathless' line. Might sell that one to Whitney. What's that? Ahh...

That reminds me. Just got 15 Valentines cards! It's left me completely breathless. That security guard at Clintons gave quite a chase!...

Everyone on this train doesn't look any different even though it's v. Day. I expected a few more sharp dressing, roses and chocs.

Wow, and as I look up, the advert today is "Mr Right could be sitting right beneath this ad". Err don't think so unless Mr Right is a 70 yr old geezer who asleep with some saliva down one side of his chin...

Start with the back pages today. Tevez:'I was treated like a dog!' hmm not even sure Harry Redknapp's dog earns 200k a week.

Today's headline in the paper is "MP's spend £400,000 on 12 trees for offices. Woah. They were imported from Florida and that's just to rent them. Do they think money grows on trees?

One passenger is getting very annoyed as the PA system is broken and making a whining noise. In typical British fashion he is just muttering his dissatisfaction to himself.

Talking about ring the Mrs to see what's she made for me for Valentines dinner.

Have a great romantic sleep,

A small man called Kawks

Monday 13 February 2012

Monday 13th February 2012 - The Journey Home

17:52 All Stations Uxbridge

Well good evening Ladies and Gentlemen. I hope you had a great day. I knew my day had got off to a blinding start when the mobile buzzed at 8am with a lovely txt from TFL saying a tube was stuck at Rayners. However the excitement of getting on the Northbound platform BUT going southbound was well exciting, though I've never been so squashed in my life. Polite notice my fellow travellers, it's the start of the week...have a bath, as loads of u stink. I had to plug my nostrils with my ear plugs which did get some strange looks but man, it was bad.

So, who watched BodyGuard last night? To be honest with you my dear blog reader, I was surprised that Star Gold released it so quickly, but yeah "Lucky Singh", and "my hairs moves in the wind even though I'm in a room" were pants as was the plot. What's that? Who died...ahh..

Reading the Evening Standard that Abu Qatada has to be released because he hasn't broken any rules in England. Oh yeah? What about the rule that says you have to have a 'u' after 'q'?

As you can tell, I'm still in a bit of a rant mode following sweaty Monday.

A man opposite is reading the newspaper through his forehead. Well that's where his glasses are. It's about "Chelsea needing their old guards". Me think it's all over for them now..

There is also a story about the race for London mayor. There is nothing in it folks. Well 2 points to Boris over Ken.

Also we have Adele with her 6 Grammys. Well done to you. She won in every category she was nominated for. Wonder if she thanked her ex boyfriend for the inspiration he gave here...

Just reading a bit more about Whitney. They say that she had shoved up most of her £100m fortune up her nose and relied on friends for handouts. Such a shame, such a great talent. Hope someone's watching Maria...

Big day tomorrow. I know I shouldn't but I had a look at Preeti's browsing history last night. She has been spending a lot of time on a site called She must be trying to get me tickets to next week's FA Cup tie as a surprise Valentine's present, bless her...

Right, let's leave it there gang and I've finally got a seat and need to unplug the headphones from my nose.

Have a great sleep!

A small man called Kawks

Friday 10 February 2012

Friday 10th February 2012 - The Journey Home

17:54 All stations to Uxbridge

Whoo hoo. And we are out of here! Check out the time as well. Bit more sensible, though left home at 7am this morning.

So, the end of another fantastic week and if nothing else salt gritters, glove and scarf sellers must have done well out of it. Think only Capello has had better weeks.

I'm on the new rubbish met line and standing on the fun fair bit between carriages so apologies for any lapses in concentration.

Yeah..and then we shook on it.

Headline is "Damilola killer sent back to jail". First things first..why was he let out in the first place!

Interesting observation next time ur on the new rubbish trains standing on the fun fair bit. There is a big petrol dial thing that shows the air pressure in the brakes. It's goes from 0 to 10. Normally 2 when it's braking to a standstill. If it goes higher than 5 ring your family and tell them where the secret safe and inheritance is. Can you tell I work in analytics...

At lunchtime went for a walk round St Paul's to see what the yoofs were up to. This one chap had a placard..

What do we want?
A cure for diabetes
When do we want it?
Before Easter.

Nice..very nice. I gave him one of my twix's.

There is a lady next to me reading a cookery book for Christians. I think she is planning to make fish pie. It says it serves 2-5000.

At wembley park and finally get a seat. Man my knees are wobbling after standing for so long.

There is a section about the closing Olympics party in Hyde park. They say the rolling stones, adele and blur are gonna take part. Wowza..gonna queue up now...not

They also talk about the athletes village and how they are putting certain countries far from each other such as Israel and Iran. Many countries have asked not to be to Brazil as they party into the night!

I'll leave you with a final tip of the day:
If you want to reduce weight. Turn head to the left, then to the right. Repeat exercise whenever offered something to eat...

Right gang, have a fantastic weekend and a lovely week, and a lovely week,

A small man called Kawks

Thursday 9 February 2012

Thursday 9th February 2012 - The Journey Home

07:10 Fast Amersham

Brrr. Siberia winds you win. Bring on global warming! So just spent the last 42 minutes (can you tell I work in Analytics) going in 4 of our buildings, multiple floors to try and find my coat and scarf!

I checked with our lost property office who gave me a weird look like I'd lost my baby. They said they had mobiles and laptops but nothing that didn't have a screen. I tried on a mobile but I still felt cold, so handed it back.

Got all the way to Farringdon and it dawned on me that the only place I hadn't looked was where I sat to have my lunch. So I walked all the way back to the office, back to the 2nd floor...and it wasn't there! Only kidding, it was there, crying wondering where its daddy had been for all those hours.

I told Preeti about this drama and she said she wasn't worried as if someone tried it on, and they saw that it fitted like a T shirt, then they would hand it back!

Just as well as I've got this tale to tell today as there are no papers and hardly any people on this train.

A chap is reading the Sun and I can just see the back page - "We want Harry". Be interesting to see what they say when we get dumped out the euros...

The strapline to the Capello story is "the end of an error"...ah I see what you did there Sun. Ho ho.

I'm sitting opposite a rather large Chinese dude... Don't see many around right...unless your in China I guess. Anyways, this reminded me of a news story Preeti told me this morning about the worlds heaviest baby being born in China, who weighed in at a whopping 16 pounds!
Wowza. From the photo she showed me of mother and child, mother seemed to be still feeling the pain as she was squinting...

A man has sat next to me and placed his hat (one with a rim) and leather gloves (in the hat) between us. Something tells me that he's more Chesham than Rayners Lane...

He is reading some details notes about lifeboats and a spreadsheet that someone just did a "fit on one page" with as its barely readable (38percent zoomed.- can you tell I work in...)

Managed to get the Sun from the last guy so let's see the news, starting randomly with page 3...err...and in this cold weather!

Headline is 'Arryvederci'. Nice. There is also a reminder that there are 169 days for the olympic games'.

Page 23 has an article about a shop worker who died after falling off a big bucket of mayonnaise and stabbing himself in the heart with an electric drill. Woah...that's peak as Rajvi would say.

Right gloves time, so bid you a great sleep,

A small man called Kawks

P..s. Its just started snowing so happy I've got my coat back!

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Wednesday 8th February 2012 - The Journey Home

18:36 Semi Fast to Watford

Good evening gang. Brrrr, it's freezing huh and this morning I read in that fine publication (Metro) that winds from Siberia are on their way and we could have -15c later this week. Gonna have to remember to pack my hot water bottle in my iPad satchel!

That reminds me, I opened the present that the kind students from LBS gave me last night for my little presentation. It was a thermos flask so very timely!

The train is quite busy today and everyone is being quiet and enjoying that mid week feeling.

West of me a chap is playing Temple Run. He looks to be getting on quite well and has 215,000 so let's see how he gets on. If nothing else all that running will keep him warm.Ok he got to 864,000 and he's died so maybe not that good.

The advert today is the bladder one which we have already covered so that that. Who thought of that phrase 'that's that"..what does it mean? The other one I love is "First things first"
Let's do first things second is always my response!

Thought for the day: A wise old man said to me earlier, "You should question everything in life." I said, "Why?"

Headline today is "Cleared". Harry Rednapp says thank you. Hurrah. Wonder if his dog can still keep the offshore bank account...

We have been stuck at Baker Street for 3 minutes as the driver has said that they are picking up some lost property from the track. I guess that must happen a lot more.

Just reading about the new shard skyscraper, which will have 78 storeys, will have a 5 star shangri-la hotel and and some fancy flats will have to be as some are expected to top £36m!

Right, gloves time, so let's leave it there.

Have a great sleep,

A small man called Kawks

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Tuesday 7th February 2012 - The Journey Home

19:12 All stations to Uxbridge

Well hello. I sort of forgot to do the blog today and as we rolled into Baker Street, I thought I was missing something! What I'm basically saying is that this will be a short one and I might have to use a massive font to cover up the error of my ways!

So, let's kick off with the headline in today's paper. London Olympic tickets flow in from the US. Woah, this is a story about a company based in the wild west (Arkansas) who won the contract. The tickets will cost £6 per order to arrive at your door. Wow, should have used Krishmans and his industrial unit in Highfields huh!

So earlier in the day, my mate at work
challenged me to count 86,400 seconds."I said "Err I don't think so! that'll take me all day!". Boom! A joke with some data analytics, doesn't get much better than that!

I am in big trouble at home as I left the office late and forgot to tell Preeti who had already put the lasagne (yep aren't we cosmopolitan) in the oven. No trifle for me tonight..

Anyways this morning she said to me that my hair (whats left of it) was dull, lifeless and boring? To which I replied, Well it's hair not a person, what did you expect?

Today's advert goes: Built for kings, made for fun, ready for you!

How rubbish is that rhyming! It's worthy of putting in my next rap song (at 3000 views). The advert is for Poland.

I would have added: want to do some fings, to the top line to give more balance and be more street...ahem

Talking about viewing numbers, I had a peek today at my blog views count an it's already past 2,500!! And the number of blog books sold (yeah I know it's free) has jumped from 38 to 64! Countries from Spain to canada and Greece have downloaded it. I am humbled. Thank you one and all for taking the time to check it out...and your cheques of support..I'm sure they are just all lost in the post.

Seriously this is something I've always wanted to do. Well apart from when I was a child when I wanted to be a surgeon. But apparently I was "too young."

Right HOH has arrived and it's soon gloves time so let's leave it there,

Have a great trifle,

A small man called Kawks

Monday 6 February 2012

Monday 6th February 2012 - The Journey Home

17:53 Fast Chesham Service

Hello everyone! How are we all after a busy weekend making snowmen?

Though the road up to the main road this morning was a scene from the ice age, yep even the mammoth I passed near Subway agreed..the snow had been removed everywhere else. Especially the city, in no small part to the hot air that people speak during their meetings...

Sorry for the no show on Friday but I went to Glasgow for the day and didn't need the met line to get back.

My ear pressure went all doggy after the flight and I was waiting in all day Saturday for the hearing aid man to return my call. Haven't heard anything yet...

Thanks to everyone for sticking with the blog and I'm hoping with your help that we will pass the 2,500 views this week!

That reminds me, I've been doing my bit for african relations and have a pen pal who I advise in Ethiopia. Last week he made me so proud as he said he hadn't had a drink in weeks. I think that pep talk about pure mind pure body really worked!

Whilst we are doing announcements, I've updated the blog book to incorporate all of December and January blogs into it with new pictures. Will let you know when Apple has given me the thumbs up for release.

The tube is well packed. Good job I'm sitting down using my priority blog seat ID.

There are a number of Welly wearers today. Some very colourful ones including a lady who had blue ones with flowers all over them! Nice.

Today's headline is "gunned down as she played" this is the story of a 5yr old girl shot in the chest as she played in a shop (as you do) when she got caught up between 2 rival London gangs. Woah. In my day, the worst gangs were doing were chinese burns ...

Ok confession time. Don't tell Preeti.

Before I met her, I had a relationship with a blind girl, which was rewarding, but challenging.

It took me ages to get her husband's voice right...

I've had a little look around the train and people are wearing a lot of gore-tex. I feel like I've been magically transported to some swiss mountain. Walking down from the tube to home in these ski's should be fun though!

There is also a story "Queen celebrates 60 years on throne." Wow. That is one big dump....must be all that pheasant and posh food one must eat...

Thought for the day: I wanted to get a power gate for my drive. But with gate power comes gate responsibility...

Ok gang, let's leave it there, got to tighten my ski laces as we are at Rayners.

Have a great ski,

A small man called Kawks

Thursday 2 February 2012

Thursday 2nd February 2011 - The Journey Home

19:10 Fast Chesham

Well hellooo. Long time no see. I've been a bit busy the last couple of days on my way back so apologies for the no show. Also thanks for the feedback on the experimental story writing. that's why they call it experimental right, but rest assured I placed that particular style in the bin as most of you said it can I put this delicately...CRAP.

Temperature check: my fingers have fallen off and I'm using my stubbs, so yeah it's cold. Good job I'm going to Glasgow tomorrow. Sure it's loads warmer there.

The heater is actually ON in the tube so well done met line.

Save it on the flight...splash it on the night. No this isn't that advert for bladder control again, this is today's advert for it seems to be a travel comparison site which looks at 700 sites to find you the best deal. Sounds amazing, though I think I will stick with teletext...

An Indian dude sitting due north is reading a book from SOAS library (why buy when u can get for free right) about the life and struggles of...can't see the bottom bit with the name. Will report back.

That does remind me that today I'm exactly three years away from being a millionaire..This time next year, it'll be four...

Indian boy has also got a big carrier bag from UCL university with 2 green folders, some plastic wallets and some A4 paper. Looks like the start of term huh!

Thought for the day: The only reason I still have a landline is so I can find my mobile phone in the house...

Is anyone watching Holby City at the moment? Man, I reckon I'm familiar enough now to do some of those operations as well as hand out some medical advice. This week I learnt that Narcolepsy is a serious cond

Ok. Awake again.

Today's headline is "Bonuses for rail bosses double their pay". Hmm looks like the govt has been rail roaded into a settlement again..

We also have David Beckham launching his bodyware at H&M. I had a look and it was pants...

I don't know about you dear blog reader, but I'm a rubbish dancer. However whenever I step in doo doo, I can Moonwalk, Dougie and Cha cha slide...

Ooh that book the indian chap is reading relate to the life of Badshah Khan. neither...

Ok, last bit of observational stuff.

Do you read the ingredients on the back of a shampoo bottle? A clear sign that you're doing a poo and forgotten your iphone...

Ahem, let's leave it there..glad you like my painting on FB yesterday. Available in all good Costo stores

Aww Jaw and have a great sleep.

A small man called Kawks