The Met Line Journal

The life and times of a small man called Min, his daily journey's from Rayners Lane to Farringdon.

This blog is an insight into the wonderful world of the Met Line, packed into chunky bites of random thoughts, the weird and the wonderful sites I see on my journey to and from work, and the odd comedy gag...

Read it and weep (with laughter)...

Thursday 2 May 2013

Got anything new to report? - Min's MinIT Update. Friday 3rd May 2013

Well hello hello! Yes it's that time of the week again. Hurrah, I hear you cry with tears of joy and laughter.

Lets get on with the show!

Gadget: So, hands up those who have a lovely iPhone 5 or Ipad 4? Yeah? Nice one. (Are girl followers of Apple called FanGirls?). Anywhoo, if your anything like me and have all the other stuff that Apple have released, this gadget could be just for you! You know what I'm talking about right? Yep, that bloody new connector on the new devices. Now none of those old wires you have safely stored away in the TV cabinet drawer are next to useless for the new devices! Now if your like me, and on your gadget 24:7, you need a constant charge to keep up with all the nonsense your 'friends' are putting on FB. (Thanks for letting me know you are at the Gym, eating somewhere posh, doing a poo) etc), then you need to have your charging wire in your back pocket. (Though its dead uncomfortable if you sit on the plug bit). Now I hear what your saying, just buy another one Min, it's only about 25 British pounds, so you have the original one at home and one for office. And I say back to you, err hello, £25!!. Indian...So, long story short, a quick search on amazon and I found the gadget you need. It's a converter that plugs into your old wire (the 30pin bit) and make its the new fang dangled shape. Hurrah! And the price of this life changing bit of kit...£1.47.(incl p&p). Shabash and thank you China, you are the best! Had it 4 weeks now and still working like a dream. There are loads of suppliers for these so let me know if you want the details of the one I purchased it from. Min marks out of 10...9.47

App: Flowergarden. So after a talk (tell off) from Preeti that I seemed to have become obsessed with my phone and no longer enjoyed the simpler things in life, I reflected on what she said and yes it was true, that I needed to get back to Nature. A quick trawl of the App Store and I had the answer! FlowerGarden! With this app, you are given 12 empty pots, and you have to grow virtual plants. Starting off with seeds, fertiliser and lots of water. It's well addictive man, as if you don't water them, they die. It makes this really neat noise when the plants need a drink, and when you get out the virtual watering can(press your finger in the top right corner), it sounds just like the real thing. The number of times this week I've had to stop people mid sentence during meetings to tell them to just 'hold that thought', whilst I spent 2 minutes giving my plants a top up. The best bit is that once they are full, all the flowers that were previously flopping all rise back to full health again! Hurrah!! I do however get some strange looks whilst on this app from fellow tube passengers, and some have been known to start banging on the tube door as the gurgling sound of the water has meant they they now desperately need to go for a number 1. Lool! Min Marks of 10. 8.15.

Joke: Preeti just said to me, "I really wish you'd pay a pension when I'm speaking to you."...

Right, that's your lot! Have a great week and a lovely sleep.

A small man called Min.

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