The Met Line Journal

The life and times of a small man called Min, his daily journey's from Rayners Lane to Farringdon.

This blog is an insight into the wonderful world of the Met Line, packed into chunky bites of random thoughts, the weird and the wonderful sites I see on my journey to and from work, and the odd comedy gag...

Read it and weep (with laughter)...

Friday 22 November 2013

Got anything new to report? - Min's MinIT Update. Friday 22nd November 2013

Well hello hello! How are we all? Firstly, let me apologise for the no show last week. I was in South Korea and they didn't have a Met line for me to blog from.

For those who have never been to this wonderful land, you definitely should, the next time you are in the neighbourhood! The tech there is simply super cool. Having got off the 11hr flight and having had a taste of Korean hospitality (Prestige class - well I needed the leg room right? ), I was booked into a six star Conrad hotel in the executive suite on the 32nd floor which was simply massive and rather bigger than the Travel lodge I usually take take Mrs Min to on our anniversary. The bathroom had more gadgets than I've seen in my entire life, and that was just the toilet! It had options to give you a massage, knew when you sat down and automatically gave the bowl a quick rinse and memory settings for the whole family for making sure the pressure, angle and temperature were just right for each bear in the family! Oh and it had a button for 'dryer' too! 

So after a few hours playing with the settings I ventured into the main bathroom and saw they had some buttons on the wall (that will never take off over here), and like the little kid I am, I started pressing them. One of them made the glass wall between the bathroom and bedroom go from clear to frosted, which I imagine was there just in case Mrs Min had come along too and I didnt fancy showing her my six pack or or my rather red and dried out bum. 

Then, I saw a remote control in the bathroom (as you do), between the 'his and hers' sinks. To my amazement, and I think the actual word I uttered to myself as this was happening was 'amaze-balls', because a flipping TV embedded into the bathroom mirror came on. Wowza!!  Took me about an hour to brush my teeth!

The hospitality provided by the local firm and their clients during the visit was truly amazing and for the first few days since I've been back, I've been getting a few weird looks on the met line as I bow to each person as I get on the train...

Woah, nearly at work now so just gonna quickly do app of the week.

App of the week: Hot UK Deals, Been using this app loads this week and in essence it uses crowdsouring to tell us what fantastic offers are currently available on everything in our supermarkets as well as online. You can even set up deal alerts to look for something specific. I've obviously set one  up for PS4. So if you were interested in amazing offers such as Levi Roots reggae reggae sauce is now only 20p at Sainsbury's, get this free app now! Min marks out of 10....9.20

Joke of the week: Yes, that bloke who invented the invisibility cloak had his 15 minutes of fame, but where is he now?

Ahem! Right, that's your lot. I hope you have a great weekend and a lovely sleep!

A small man called Min

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