The Met Line Journal

The life and times of a small man called Min, his daily journey's from Rayners Lane to Farringdon.

This blog is an insight into the wonderful world of the Met Line, packed into chunky bites of random thoughts, the weird and the wonderful sites I see on my journey to and from work, and the odd comedy gag...

Read it and weep (with laughter)...

Friday 24 August 2012

Friday 24th August - The Journey Home

17:47 Semi Fast to Watford

Whoo hoo. Let the bank holiday begin. And to add to the joy, it's just started raining.

Still not bad, considering its been a 2 day week for me this week. :-)

So, I hope all your loved ones did ok with their GCSE's yesterday. My neighbours son got straight A's in his italics exam. Which actually cost him the A*

The man opposite is reading some Arabic on his Samsung S2. He is also listening to something using his headphones at the same time. He has a beard. Oh, is that someone I know 6 carriages down. let me get off and see if it is. Hang on, he doesn't have a rucksack so I'll stay put, if if I hear the words 'cousins wedding' or 'virgins' coming from those headphones, I'm gonna move. Sorry, bit un PC there..

Advert of the day: "Please tweet behind the line". Ho ho, very good TFL, I see what you did there...

Ooo Ooo, did some more culling of my iPhone contact list last night and delighted everyone who was German. Now I'm hans free...

There, does that make you feel better Arabic man? Wow, obviously not, as he's got off at Finchley Road. He must have been in a real rush as he's forgotten to take his bag...

So, what can I tell you about my holiday? Las Vegas was amazing. This one night, I was just about to place my chips on the roulette table at the casino when the African man standing next to me gave me a nudge and said, "Black, 33."I shook his hand and said, "Brown, 43".

Ok who else can I insult today?

Headline today is "Harry's minders in probe on Vegas pictures". Not much going on in the world today I guess...

Thought for the day: "Why do shop windows have signs that say 'guide dogs allowed?' Its not like blind people can read it...

Right, let's leave it there! Have a great bank holiday weekend and a lovel sleep.

A small man called Kawks.

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