The Met Line Journal

The life and times of a small man called Min, his daily journey's from Rayners Lane to Farringdon.

This blog is an insight into the wonderful world of the Met Line, packed into chunky bites of random thoughts, the weird and the wonderful sites I see on my journey to and from work, and the odd comedy gag...

Read it and weep (with laughter)...

Friday, 20 March 2015

Got anything new to report? - Min's MinIT Update. Friday 20th March 2015

Well hello hello! How are we all on this lovely Friday evening?

What an exciting morning with the old solar eclipse! I did my research the night before regarding how to watch the event safely etc, and decided to bring in a colander to work today. The bad news is that I've strained my eye...boom! and we are off!

The Met line is nice and quiet today so got a seat straight away. Hurrah! There isn't much activity today, with most folks reading about the 'Solar Smile' in the Evening Standard or fast asleep.

So what else is new that I need to report back on? Well, there is exciting news on the Tesla front. It's arriving on the 31st of this month. I've download a lovely app called Countdown, and it's telling me that there is a mere 917,707 secs before I can pick it up. The garage required to house the car is nearly complete and the charging point was installed last week.

Yesterday, Iron Man, sorry Elon Musk announced that the next versions of the software updates to the car will mean that you can use the mobile app to summon the car and it will automatically come out the garage and meet you where you are! How amazing is that! Hide and seek will never be the same again!

What else...

Some sad news. I've just finished the last episode of House Of Cards - Season 3. It is really super interesting and a shame Kevin Spacey dies at the end. (Oh sorry spoiler alert)...not really. Watch it friends, even if you have to just get the Netflix trial and watch all 3 seasons in a mammoth sitting.  In fact, it just so happens that the man next to me looks to be reading my blog in real time and has started to watch it right away!

Talking about free trials, another app which comes with 50 days free (can you tell I'm Indian), is MTV trax. Since YouTube no longer allows caching of their videos, I've been using this to keep up with the kids on what's current in the hip hop and R&B scene! Rajvi is quite impressed with me knowing the words to Drake's songs though she does tell me that I don't need to 'dad dance' to them at the same time. Ok...that was the commuters telling me that...

Today was a busy day in the lab, and we decided that I should make a life size model of my head using our lovely 3D printer. I had to stay very still like I was having my waxwork done at Madame Tussards, whilst we used an iPad connected laser scanner. It's going to take 7 hours to print, though I do confess, that mostly printing my big head rather than the hair...

I'll report back on how the printed version comes out!

There is a man opposite who has an interesting pair of socks on.

Which has now for some reason got me thinking that I should eat at an Indian restaurant tonight...

And finally...Mrs Min has just said that she's leaving me because she reckons I've become totally addicted to playing battleships. No idea where she got that from and why she didn't mention it B4...

Right, that's your lot!  Wishing you a great weekend and a lovely sleep!


  1. Hey Min, you're coming along well:

  2. Hey Min, you're coming along well:
