The Met Line Journal

The life and times of a small man called Min, his daily journey's from Rayners Lane to Farringdon.

This blog is an insight into the wonderful world of the Met Line, packed into chunky bites of random thoughts, the weird and the wonderful sites I see on my journey to and from work, and the odd comedy gag...

Read it and weep (with laughter)...

Monday, 30 January 2012

Monday 30th January 2012 - The Journey Home

21:33 All stations to Uxbridge

Well good evening peeps. Just on my way home from a lovely day at the office and dinner with clients.

Firstly, apologies for no blog on Friday, but Preeti wasn't well so I rushed home and couldn't concentrate on my blog. She's much better now, which is just as well as otherwise I wouldn't have much material for this blog.

This week, I've decided to do the blog in the style of a dan brown / ben elton style book. Let me know if I should stick to the normal blog style or your liking what you reading.

Here we go...

21:38 Time was running out. I could hear my heartbeat through my throat. I really shouldn't have gone to the black market for my heart operation.

"Please mind the doors" I heard in slow motion.

'Noooooooo' in a high pitched voice, like he was a Chinese man responding to someone asking for a discount. He used the end of the platform to leverage one big dive, arms at a 45 degree angle as he darted through the air like a bold eagle focussed on its next non veg meal.

Whoosh and he had made it. This bad boy had made it. Success was his, he was a player and he knew that was why they paid him the big bucks.

Kawks was on his way home and had just saved himself two whole minutes on his journey home. The reason for the delay had been caused by someone at work stealing his coffee cup and he had just spent the last two hours looking at mug shots.

20 years had flown by, and though he was no longer as nifty as he was in the early days, he still enjoyed the dramatic entrance onto the greatest transport system in the world.

Based on some cave drawings in the applecian mountains of virginia, handed down from generation to generation, though some say that it's was actually aliens who provide the Met line blueprints, Kawks had been on the planet for over 43 years, and still was in awe of the sheer scale of what humans friendly referred to as 'The Tube'.

Only a handful of people knew the real reason why he had to leave his true planet, Kawkasion and the horrors and anguish he faced when the Evil Prince Amin Saddam Gaddafi Laden took over the running of the planet, from the Queen. And he sounded like such a nice man.

Transported in a big blue egg shaped craft, he along with his wife and child were all that managed to escape the clutches of the planet, before the Prince accidentally pressed the wrong button and the planet imploded on itself. School boy error I know...

Living with the humans and the community had been a challenge, but Kawks quickly adapted to their ways and means, their wacky sense of humour, their chilli food and their warm weather. Of most importance was to blend into society so at the age of 15, Kawks (his human name) decided to pull out his hair, and develop a moustache like the other people around him in Rayners. In hindsight, with his massive alien forehead, perhaps having some hair would have been sensible, but he had already provided the cuttings to his wife, Preeti, so she too could blend in as a traditional Indian wife. Shear good fortune meant that to this day, no one had questioned why the whole family were all 5ft 2, irrespective of age...Kawks from an early age came up with an elaborate story about two such individuals with the same name, him staying the same height since childhood and therefore also being known to the business world as 'Min', short for Minimum. Oh how they laughed each and every time he replayed that line, though deep in his heart, Kawks remembered his planet of 5ft 2's who thanks too a badly designed self destruct button were no longer of this Kawksion.

To be continued after a lovely sleep...

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