The Met Line Journal

The life and times of a small man called Min, his daily journey's from Rayners Lane to Farringdon.

This blog is an insight into the wonderful world of the Met Line, packed into chunky bites of random thoughts, the weird and the wonderful sites I see on my journey to and from work, and the odd comedy gag...

Read it and weep (with laughter)...

Monday, 30 January 2012

Monday 30th January 2012 - The Journey Home

21:33 All stations to Uxbridge

Well good evening peeps. Just on my way home from a lovely day at the office and dinner with clients.

Firstly, apologies for no blog on Friday, but Preeti wasn't well so I rushed home and couldn't concentrate on my blog. She's much better now, which is just as well as otherwise I wouldn't have much material for this blog.

This week, I've decided to do the blog in the style of a dan brown / ben elton style book. Let me know if I should stick to the normal blog style or your liking what you reading.

Here we go...

21:38 Time was running out. I could hear my heartbeat through my throat. I really shouldn't have gone to the black market for my heart operation.

"Please mind the doors" I heard in slow motion.

'Noooooooo' in a high pitched voice, like he was a Chinese man responding to someone asking for a discount. He used the end of the platform to leverage one big dive, arms at a 45 degree angle as he darted through the air like a bold eagle focussed on its next non veg meal.

Whoosh and he had made it. This bad boy had made it. Success was his, he was a player and he knew that was why they paid him the big bucks.

Kawks was on his way home and had just saved himself two whole minutes on his journey home. The reason for the delay had been caused by someone at work stealing his coffee cup and he had just spent the last two hours looking at mug shots.

20 years had flown by, and though he was no longer as nifty as he was in the early days, he still enjoyed the dramatic entrance onto the greatest transport system in the world.

Based on some cave drawings in the applecian mountains of virginia, handed down from generation to generation, though some say that it's was actually aliens who provide the Met line blueprints, Kawks had been on the planet for over 43 years, and still was in awe of the sheer scale of what humans friendly referred to as 'The Tube'.

Only a handful of people knew the real reason why he had to leave his true planet, Kawkasion and the horrors and anguish he faced when the Evil Prince Amin Saddam Gaddafi Laden took over the running of the planet, from the Queen. And he sounded like such a nice man.

Transported in a big blue egg shaped craft, he along with his wife and child were all that managed to escape the clutches of the planet, before the Prince accidentally pressed the wrong button and the planet imploded on itself. School boy error I know...

Living with the humans and the community had been a challenge, but Kawks quickly adapted to their ways and means, their wacky sense of humour, their chilli food and their warm weather. Of most importance was to blend into society so at the age of 15, Kawks (his human name) decided to pull out his hair, and develop a moustache like the other people around him in Rayners. In hindsight, with his massive alien forehead, perhaps having some hair would have been sensible, but he had already provided the cuttings to his wife, Preeti, so she too could blend in as a traditional Indian wife. Shear good fortune meant that to this day, no one had questioned why the whole family were all 5ft 2, irrespective of age...Kawks from an early age came up with an elaborate story about two such individuals with the same name, him staying the same height since childhood and therefore also being known to the business world as 'Min', short for Minimum. Oh how they laughed each and every time he replayed that line, though deep in his heart, Kawks remembered his planet of 5ft 2's who thanks too a badly designed self destruct button were no longer of this Kawksion.

To be continued after a lovely sleep...

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Thursday 26th January 2012 - The Journey Home

18:18 Semi Fast to Watford

Evening all. That remind me, the other day, a policeman flagged me down near Rayners Lane Tube station.

"Sir, could you please step out of the vehicle?"

"I'm too drunk, you get in."

Boom! And we are off! So book news first! I've had the stats from Apple Headoffice and believe it or not, they are only allowing certain hours of the day when my book will be available in the bookstore, in order to give their servers time to cool down. To date 7, I repeat 7 copies have been downloaded. Ok 1 of them was me, but what a start! They informed me that these were users in the US, UK, Spain and Sweden! I don't even know anyone in Spain or Sweden!!
Also, I've had my first review posted on the store. 5 stars and a blinding review. Thanks to whoever you are!!

So the weekend is in smelling distance so I hope you all have lots planned! I hope to get some time to update the book and put in the next chapter. If you have any suggestions or pics you want me to add in there, let me know!

This morning, the electric toothbrush that me, Rajvi and Preeti use finally broke so. We had to resort to using the acoustic one...

Today's headline is "warden exposes secret parking quotas" wow wee. Apparently that quota is 10 a day. So next time ask the warden if he's reached his limit then park for free. Yay!

Also, there is a report from the Met that there are 400 gangs in London, and 4,500 gang members. Woah, with those numbers, you would expect the quality of rap music in the capital to be So much better...

No adverts on this tube so that's that.

Everyone on this tube is busy on their gadgets. Most people seem to be reading electronic books or tapping away on their phones. Seeing more people using their iPads on here now. Interesting...might have to start getting mine out.

Someone has spilt a bottle of wine on the floor and it stinks. Gonna have to explain to Preeti why I smell of Alcohol now...great. Not quite sure how to explain the lipstick on my cheek yet...

Page 11 Has a Story about brazil wants a giant Christ statue on primrose hill as a way of publicising the 2016 Olympic games. That's great! Saves me a trip to Rio to see it!

And finally, Preeti said she is leaving me for my 'obsession' with biblical figures. I don't really even Noah what she's talking about...

Let's leave it there.

Have a great sleep!

A small man called Kawks

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Wednesday 25th January - The Journey Home

18:35 all stations to Northfields

Good evening peeps. If I sound different its because I'm on the piccadilly line as I've been in a pow wow all afternoon near Holborn station. Everyone from the meeting was going to go to some la di da restaurant, but I thought unless I wanted Preeti to REALLY leave me, then I should get the hell home for our 18th year wedding anniversary.

Thanks everyone for all your kind wishes on FB, txts, gifts and pats on backs today. It meant a lot and I love you all.

This lady is standing right in front of me (yep I got a seat) who is about 8ft tall and if I stood up, I think my head would only reach to about three quarters of where her legs finished. Let's just say its making it quite difficult to concentrate on today's blog!

Have a nice sleep..only kidding

Thought for the day: I know we have the baby on board badges for the ladies to identify their 'good news' and so they get a seat, but I'm thinking of getting a personal one made, saying 'flab on board'...I need a seat too.

There is a man opposite who has both a north face jacket but also a north face bag. Wonder if he's from up north too.

Todays advert is for the times newspaper. They are offering free home delivery before 7am, if you take out a 3 month subscription. Tell you what times newspaper...I'll stick to sleeping in the morning and reading the evening standard on the way home. Good try though.

There is also an insurance advert with the strapline "Because It happens". In front of the "IT" they have a baggage tag with the name of the insurance company. So you automatically read..."When shit happens". Slighly racist if you ask me dear blog reader as the bloke in the picture is black...

I need to swap trains as I'm now at Acton town so talk amongst yourselves.

Ok safely onto the uxbridge branch and these blokes are chatting away. "This morning was the first time this year I've got a bus to work", to which I nearly replied...well your a rubbish engineer then aren't you!

I obviously didn't as I don't think losing my front 2 teeth on our anniversary would go down well.

The lady to my left is reading a book called "the tunnel rats" by stephen leather. I think that's very appropriate since we are currently in a tunnel and there is a rodent walking about. Ok not really, but the joke doesn't work as well without it.

She has stopped talking and received a call from her mate and they are discussing the ski holiday she has returned from. They had great weather, loads of booze and parties the phones cut out so let's leave it there. Maybe one of the rats has cut the line...

Before you ask, what did I get for Preeti, thanks to your generosity, she got 47 likes and 24 comments. Lucky, Lucky girl...oh and a plastic rose.

Have a great sleep!

A small man called Kawks

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Tuesday 24th January 2012 - The Journey Home

19:27 Semi fast to Watford

Late one again folks, been working hard again. This may be a short blog as I'm tired, there are hardly any passengers to gawp at and there are no newspapers left.

In brighter news, over the moon at getting my book published on ITunes and IBooks today. Shame that you will need an iPad to read it, but that's a great excuse to get the new iPad which should be out in a couple of months. I've added pictures and videos to the blog content you are familiar with, and so far it covers November 2011. Hope to add December blogs to it over the weekend. It's free, so help yourself.

Seriously, I do hope my new book does well. I'm working on another one and so far I've just got the title which is "How to be concise and get straight to the point using the minimum of diminutive words necessary to convey the meaning as clearly as possible without overly long descriptions and explanations."

Just started reading the paper of the chap two seats away. He's reading a story about Ann Widdecombe taking Alisha Dixons spot on Strictly as she is moving to BGT. Should be interesting, though I tend to fast forward when the judges speak. And that my dear blog readers why I was jailed for contempt of court. Boom!

There is also a story about Britain's debt breaking the trillion pound mark. They are trying to make it quite dramatic by writing 1, with about a trillion zeros after it.

Today's new train advert is about the benefits of the walk-through carriages. It says that this helps find space more easily on the train. Thanks met line, I think I will crowd surf over everyone tomorrow until I find that space.

A man opposite me seems very pleased with his John Lewis purchase. He has taken out the receipt 3 times now to look at it. Whatever it is, it's floppy, so not a gadget, so I'm not that interested in peering into the bag.

Thought for the day: Prison can't be that bad. After all, people kill to get in there.

Right, let's leave it there for today,

Have a great sleep,

A small man called Kawks

Monday, 23 January 2012

Monday 23rd January 2012 - The Journey Home

18:53 Semi-fast Watford

Well hello matey pips. How are we all. I trust you all had excellent weekends and did all those things you always dreamed of doing. I know my dream has always involved buying "powered coconut milk", cos that's what Preeti's task for Sunday was. Seriously I had a lovely time with my sisters and BIL's.

Some exciting developments to share in what I guess I should dub Anniversary week. I spent a few hours over the weekend converting the blog into a proper book, well e-book, now that Apple have launched iAuthor and iBooks 2. I have done Chapter 1 which is basically all the blogs for November and embedded random pics of me, Preeti and Rajvi as well as the odd video. I'm hoping it will be released into the iTunes store sometime this week. Keep a look at for it and all comments gratefully received. I've called it "The life and times of a man called Kawks (subtitle The Journey Home).

Ok back to the Agenda!

Netflix is still holding up well, and saw a range of movies from Bollywood to Hollywood to 24 to inbetweeners to Top gear. My advice would be get it, can't go wrong for £6 a month.

Did anyone watch 127hrs last night on C4? This was the one of a chap who spends quite a few hours (no idea exactly how many) stuck in a canyon with only his video camera (and obviously Danny Boyle, the film crew and AR Rahman doing the funky music). Preeti told me to switch it off at 10:30 as she wanted to sleep, but I would have givenll my right arm to see it all the way to the end. Hope he got out ok...

Today's advert is about the air conditioning on the new met line trains. Which the advert tells me is "for our comfort". Well TFL, perhaps you can save the advert and the blasts of cold air for the summer when someone might actually appreciate it. The hair on my head is swishing from left to right like its 1995. (sorry didn't know what else to rhyme with right).

So at lunchtime went to the Chinese (happy new year!) and got a fortune cookie that said "be not afraid to walk through the door of opportunity " so I left without paying...

Headline in the paper is "Boris v Ken: Fight to be mayor on knife edge". Wowza, you would have thought they should be setting a better example!. Ken has a 2 point lead, but as I know well from watching Karate Kid, Boris is probably about to get out his Preying Mantis move out.

Ok gang, word of advice! The Bonnie Tyler Satnav which I brought from EBay is totally rubbish. It kept telling me to turn around, and every now and then it fell apart...

On people watch today, due north of me are a lady who is also enjoying the delights of the air conditioning. She ha a scarf wrapped all round her head and then over that, some ear warmers. Nice! Next to her is a chap with monster headphones (in ear) connected to an iPad. He's tapping away, but I can't see what. He doesn't have a case for it either. Let's see if he makes it out of Rayners Lane alive...

In page 21, an interesting article about "why can't a Brit get a job at Pret". Pret basically said "foreign" people have a better work ethos and willing to work flexible times. Well there you go...munch on that.

Thought of the day: The age of consent in England was set around 1890...Personally, I think that's way too high.

Right kids, time to ring the master and get my lift from Rayners to the 400yrds home.

Have a great sleep and let me know I you want an autographed edition off the book!

Have a great read,

A small man called Kawks

Friday, 20 January 2012

Friday 20th January 2012 - The Journey Home

18:11 Piccadilly - All stations to Uxbridge

Hello Friday people. Do do do doo foo...mostly coloured brown. Catchy rap last night huh. Well you were worth every penny of me commissioning Gary Barlow to write that ditty.

So I was singing our favourite song on the way to Farringdon station and a massive queue of peeps trying to get in. Big time problems with some fault at Algate, so no Met line. :-(

If that wasn't enough, on my 10 minute walk to Chancery Lane, thought I would flick through the headlines in the paper. "Oxford Street Flood Chaos" it said, with millions of pounds of damage after huge pipe explodes. Woah, so everything is happening (dramatic pause) as the Mayans predicted. On a brighter note, might not have to get anything for Preeti's birthday in December.

So here we are finally on the Pic line and what can I see...mostly people with suitcases going to Heathrow for a city break to Krakow.

Now that's a bargain I'm reading from today's advert 'London to New York £13 one way" Wowza Nowza! Are these deals exclusive to Pic line customers only. Maybe I can whisk Preeti away for a weekend there for next weeks 18th Anniversary present. Aah, hold on caller, just re-read the's just London to York. Oh well , a trip to Sakoni's and walk up and down Ealing Road will have to do....

As you well know, most days Preeti threatens to leave me. Last night, she said she is leaving me because I always relate everything to Batman. What a joker...

So, tomorrow, and with no mum to protect me...Preeti has said that I've got to do the weekly shop at Sainsburys. I don't know about you dear blog reader but I'm still not sure about using those self checkout terminals they have in there these days. I'm just not sure I could cope in front of all those people...if I found a lump whilst examining my bobbles...Ahem. Sorry bit rude, but it's after 7pm right.

We are at Acton Town. Two ladies are gassing about random things and not being very PC. As I tune in and out of their conversation I'm picking up "do you know that little black bloke who comes into the shop most days...did you know that blue Rolls Royce is his". The other lady is talking about her "Richards really enjoying Sidney..I did it when I was 21". Looking at this lady, that could have been when the country was first discovered...

Ok here's another line one of them just said "I've not got Children but I'd know how to deal with them", hope they fix the Met line by ears are bleeding.

Ooh, did you hear the sad news that Kodak has gone bankrupt. To be honest with you dear blog reader, I wasn't that surprised, he's always been a bit of a rubbish actor...

Right, let's leave it there. The good news about the Pic line is that when we get to Rayners, I won't have to do the 6ft jump down from the tube to the platform. Cloud..lining.

Have a lovely week and big Anniversary week next week so still need those suggestions. So far I only have a single rose from last week. Good job it's a plastic one otherwise it might have died by now...

Laters Taters,

From a small man who just watches Netflix these days.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Thursday 19th January 2012 - The blog song home

In celebration of reaching 2,000 views of my blog. To the tune of coldplay's recent song - Paradise.

Popa... Popa... Popadom
Popa... Popa... Popadom

In the land of plenty
We make sure the Met line never runs empty

It makes us feel alive
From the time we leave zone 5

This new land we now call Desi
The passengers have technical skills like Lionel Messi


We are the Met line
15 miles into town
Most of the faces.... are coloured brown
Eating gatya and chevro
We are having nice dyro

Rayners, Wembley, Jalander City
Where the boys have tashes and the girls are called Preeti

7.15 and we demand our blog
Headline of the day and adverts to flog

Rain or snow, come what may
Kawks please tell us your thought of the day

2,000 views...makes you say "Wowza"
Jessie J - whose laughing nowza?

People watching to gadget advice
It's 'Punny yaar, it's very nice'

10,000 views and this man goes on tour
Provisional bookings from Harrow to Lahore

Thanks for your support
and the knives and forks

Lots of love
From a small man called Kawks

Popa... Popa... Popadom
Popa... Popa... Popadom

(have a great sleep ....fade to black)

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Wednesday 18th January 2012 - The Journey Home

18:28 Chesham Fast

So this afternoon I finally got to have a coffee with my work mate who has just come back from a 6 month project in North Korea." How was it buddy", I asked. To which he replied..."Well I couldn't complain..."

Boom! And we are off ladies and gentleman. I trust you all did your bit for the GDP of the land today and reading this with a cup of coco in one hand whilst watching a random episode of "insert random programme here".

Before I forget, I'm in trouble with Preeti as the jogging bottoms I brought from Costco on Sunday (see Mondays blog) and I promised to change into each evening have still not been taken out of the bag. So can someone text me in 36 mins to remind me to put them on. Ta.

Mum rang late last night saying all was well and luggage (including sellotaped labels) and dad had safely made it through Mumbai customs.

Let's do the headlines: "however busy you are, read to your children"...thanks David Cameron. Do you hear that Rajvi..tonight let's read auto express and perhaps tomorrow can I suggest "strategies to adopt whilst playing Battlefield 3 so you don't get shot within 3 seconds of the game starting"...

Page 13 has an interesting article about the met police spending nearly £17,000 in 55,000 calls to the speaking clock last year! Woah. I know what your thinking peeps. This blog is not only hugely entertaining and well worth the subscription fee but I'm really learning some good stuff here. My pleasure mam.

That last line was something that gets said to me a lot from random calls from customer services when they cold call you and coz of my high pitched voice always think I'm a woman. I can't be bothered explaining these days, and if anything I now make my voice go even higher so as not to embarrass them.

Oo oo, if you have watched Limitless (on sky movies at the mo), check it out. It's about what would happen if you could take a pill and harness the full power of your brain rather than the 20% they say we actually use. Can you imagine the quality of this blog if that happened. As an experiment, I've taken one of those airwaves (as it looked very similar to the drug the bloke took) to see if it is working on me. Let me know!

Thought of the day: USB sticks, 50/50 chance of putting it in the right way first time round. So why are we failing 90% of the time...

So the rule is still enforced by Preeti, that no iPhone's/iPads/iMacs/ etc to be used from 7pm to 10pm. And now with no mum to protect me...not sure if I can handle it. I'm going to suggest to Preeti if she wants to play a board I hand her the ironing into the toilet and have a quick game on RealRacing 2 HD...

I'm only playing with you guys, Preeti left me last night because apparently she reckons I've got OCD. No idea where she got that idea but I told her to shut the door five times on her way out...

Finally, the case of captain and that cruise ship is getting very interesting. Today's statement (through his lawyer) was "I'm not a murderer...some of my best friends are alive"

Right, that's your lot, this pill is wearing out..

Have a great sleep,

A small man with a high voice called Kawks.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Tuesday 17th January - The Journey Home

19:26 All stations to Uxbridge

Hello matey pips. Woah, that was a busy day! Just heading home and I bumped into a work colleague who I hadn't seen for ages. So by the time I've got round to blog duties, we are already at Baker Street.

No Evening Standard either. What I'm saying gang is that you may have to entertain yourselves today!

The tube is fairly busy (43% full) so lets look around...

The chap opposite me has done the classic fashion faux par and worn a yellow tie with blue dots on a white,pink and blue stripy shirt. My eyes.
I will be seeing those bloody blue dots even when I look away now...

Parents flew to India this morning, and everything went to plan. Though by the time I took downstairs one of their suitcases, I appeared to have a rather large name tag and Sellotape covering on my shirt proclaiming I was 'Jayagauri Bhogaita'. Nice. Good work Dad. Those hours putting on the stickers last night has paid off big time. Still got a few interesting looks at work with my new name tag. They have gone for 2 months, so if viewer ratings for the Discovery Channel, Travel Channel and Deal or (just open the box you have and save us all some time) No Deal have gone down, you will now know why. Also Sellotape sellers in Rayners Lane will see a dramatic fall in profits this quarter.

Today's advert is for net flights. More than flights...for less is their tagline. It's not quite is it!

I told dad to do the Bhogaita household justice and make sure he has a tomato juice with all those extra bits and bobs as well as a can of coke. It's the only time you order 2 drinks and drink them in quick succession and then also ask for Tea. I like the ritual of opening all the little sachets and seeing what Asian Vegetarian is going to look like. Looking at people's faces with their tongues out when the stewards pass out the pretzels/bag of random nuts is priceless. Everyone acts like they have nuggets of gold in them, and if your like me, will spend a good 10mins opening the packet. Which reminds me...anyone tried opening an Indian packet of crisps. You have more chance of opening a stall selling beef burgers there. I normally resort to handing the packet to Preeti to rip apart using her teeth...

The other bit which always makes me chuckle, whilst I'm having this random rant you happily spend 8hrs 36mins on the flight to India and the absolute moment that the engine taxis to the terminal, everyone goes dolally! Must turn on phone and try and be discrete (not) and standup and shuffle about and get off the plane. Sit down people, save your blood pressure. This is usually where I show off and demonstrate that I can stand fully upright and still be under the luggage compartments. Result!
Is it me or does everyone also have a look at what's going on in the business class bit as you get off and notice that they are very messy and never detangle their headphones. Shucks!

Right, final thought of the day: Thank goodness for

Have a great one,

A small man called Kawks.

Monday, 16 January 2012

Monday 16th January 2012 - The journey home

18:05 Semi fast to Watford

Well hello there! I trust you all had lovely weekends and a good Monday.

Yesterday, we took mum and dad to a variety of places. Starting in Costco Watford (brought a Nike tracksuit Small Size, a bag of potatoes and some dishwasher tablets), then onto the Hare Krishna temple (is it bad that when the lady who does that stamp on your head comes close, I pretend that I didn't see her and rush inside?), then onto my aunties house for a lovely chat and delicious food and then a meal at Rose in Kingsbury for some masala chips and veg mains. They have just introduced a loyalty card. Wowza, bet Sainsbury's are worried.

I have some exciting news about tonight's journey people. Approaching the new farringdon entrance this evening and there is a crowd of people waiting to get in. Woah I thought...either the queen has started to use the tube or something has broken... Yep, First Capital Connect or FCC as the kids call it was feeling unwell so it took 15 mins to get to the platform. Met line is thankfully ok and I even managed to get a seat. see that's karma right there...look after ur parents, take them to Costco to buy some dishwasher tablets from time to time and in return you get a seat on the tube, even when there is a crisis going on. Hare Ram.

Before I forget, Netflix is brill and now available on apple tv. I relieved season 4 episodes 1-3 with dad on Saturday and watched Dhobi Ghat with Preeti in the evening. For £6 a month you can't go wrong...

Parents are off to India tomorrow and mum has been making sure she has found enough random stuff to make the 46k EACH of the Jet airlines baggage allowance. Dad has been busy putting their names in big writing with yloads of Sellotape on the bags.

I went to that toy shop near leather lane market at lunchtime to get myself a model of a cruise ship (did u see the horrible news over the weekend!). So he gets it out for me and to my embarrassment I then found out that I had left my wallet at home. I don't think he was that happy when I asked if he could put it to one side for me...

Today's headline is "parking turmoil as chief resigns". Wowza. Maybe he should have looked for a bigger space or used a parking camera as we do in the Lexus!

Right, let's leave it there as I'm feeling sleepy now. Speak soon...

That reminds me, my mate at work who I've known for 10 years finally confessed that he works as a mime artist at Covent Garden on Saturdays. Woah, he kept that quiet...

Have a quiet sleep,

A small man called Kawks.

Friday, 13 January 2012

Friday 13th January 2012 - The Journey home

18:21 destination unknown

Wow's the end of the first 5 day of the year, and we are on the journey home. In my excitement to board the tube, I didn't see if it's an Uxbridge one. talk about life on the edge!

Well a bit better regarding work life balance today and the good news is that I've got an evening standard and there are loads of people on here.

Let's have a look...

Lady to the East is studying in some detail the calorific content of her Rinena strawberry boxed drink. I wonder if the sugar content was what has caused her skin to remind me of the craters on the moon..Miaow

A 'general public' type of chap is talking loudly about how much he hates London and how he got a 90p pay rise. Neat! Yep I said p not k Carol Vordaman.

The lady to my west has the latest iPhone 4S and what is she doing with using the latest in A5 chips technology and retina screen. That's right people, she is playing bloody solitaire on it. Slap!

To my north west there is a rather posh chap with a full head of hair (nope I'm not jealous) and pin stripe suit who is confidently picking his nose and flicking it in the general direction of Ribena lady.

Let's check out the headlines: Olympic rush to rent out homes. It says prices soar 500% and even Sol Cambellbis getting in on the act by renting his pad
for £75k a week! Wowza, where can I sign up Sol?

Advert for the day: Need help with your short-sightedness? Look no further...

Ok I made that one up as there are no new ones.

Friday the 13th. normally my mum reminds be to be careful today! Does yours?

Im still waiting to hear your suggestions on anniversary presents and also for topics for me to include in my blog. Come on now, don't be shy!

Thought for the day: Hairdressers, I take my hat off to them.

Right, it turned out to be a fast train so 18:58 and I'm at Rayners so will say tara.

Have a lovely week, put your houses on rent as Sol will be looking for somewhere to rent during Olympic week and have a lovely sleep,

See ya,

A small man called Kawks.

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Thursday 12th January 2012 - The Journey Home

19:27 Semi fast Watford

Hello kids. Look at this, another late one, yep 2 days in a row. I'm trying to get Preeti to think that I'm having an affair, rather than in reality sitting on a park bench an hour after work. Only kidding folks..all the tramps had already taking the benches...

Yes, work is keeping me nice and busy, so running late, but I've been good and already rang home to tell them not to put the hot potato in the oven till a bit later. Are we the only family who have spicy baked beans as one of our fillings. It's tangy yaar.

3 people in the carriage. One of them is on the phone speaking in Chinese. Wondering if I can use Google Translate to convert what she is saying to English. She is using her hand a lot and speaking very fast, so probably would work right?

2 more people have got on at Baker Street. Man this tube is getting crowded. One of them is reading a document on her iPad. She has a purple lining for it which I've never seen before. It also has a purple cover. I wonder what type of rain she likes? What's that Prince...?

Advert of the day is save £445 on your TV, broadband and home phone bill. How's that exactly..stop using them? No will tell you how.

Can I have my royalties now simplyfydigital? But to be honest my dear website, it's not the most simple of website names to remember.

Oooh someone with an Evening Standard has just boarded and I can now tell you the headline today is 'Police Stop and Search Slashed'...well I guess that's better than a real person being slashed...

There seem to be a smarter collection of met line passengers at this time of night. One chap is reading the Economist and the lady opposite is engrossed in a research paper related to the long terms effect of bio degenerate materials in the human body (if my upside down writing skills are up to scratch)...

How could I forget to mention this earlier but hope you all celebrated sound check day like I did! 12. 1. 12...

I was scanning this weeks Harrow TImes yesterday and in the classified ads, this made me chuckle: Premature ejaculator seeks fem..... oh, never mind.

Right, that's your lot. See you tomorrow and have a lovely sleep.

Kind regards

A man who will be eating spicy baked beans on his potato in 15 minutes...

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Wednesday 11th January 2012 - The Journey Home

20:03 Fast Chesham

Yes ladies and gentleman, another day working till late in the office. As I tell Preeti, those gifts I get for her from the poundshop, don't pay for themselves. Ok, technically the magic box which "technically" she owns, pays for them, but we are merely getting into detail...

4 people in the carriage today. The chap due west of me (never eat shredded wheat)..yep west of me, is watching something very interesting on his iPad. I wonder if he streaming something from Netflix? Probably not as we are current 70ft underground. Maybe I should go and sit next to him and offer him some popcorn.

So I decided to sign up to the free 1 month trial of Netflix (Thanks Kishan!) and spent from 10:03 to 11:07 last night watching a wide variety of content. I know you are very interested so I will expand on this a bit...started off with The Expendables, then after the first few fights and Stallone dialogue (yep, it has subs - Tick), I moved onto Top Gear. they have the last 20 series on there and I picked one at random. It was one of those specials where they went to Romania to find the best road in the world in a Ferrari, Aston Martin and Lamborghini. The streaming is actually not bad on the iPad, but a bit flaky on a 65" plasma. Finally, I noticed they had 2 pages of bollywood movies, so watched the starting of Race. The amount of spins that Merc SLK does in the intro as it collides with the steel pipes which became dislodged from the lorry was very impressive. No director... it didn't look at all as you had stitched the same scene today 10 times from different angles. Anyways, I got dizzy after that, so I went to sleep...

Due to my late running, I have no Evening standard to report. I can however substitute this section today and tell you that for dinner I'm having mug (no the green kata ones) and rotli. I thought about having a choro as I'm tired and it's easier to eat, but thought i will stick with good old rotli for today.

So at lunchtime, this bloke in Pret reminded me of Michael Jackson. He said, "Don't forget about Michael Jackson"...shamon

There are now 2 old dears who got on at Northwick Park and one of them is explaining that she has just come back from the hospital there and the doctor has told her that unfortunately she has only 18 months to live. Unfortunate!! the rest of us are all going die in December!

Today's advert is for the london boat show. Hold onto your hats folks, it's not only the BEST of boating but also water sports. Wowza...and kids go free. Might get Rajvi to go on her treat.

So I need some advice gang, it's our 18yr Wedding Anniversary on the 25th, so any tips for what 'surprise' in an Indian accent I should think of? It's also 20 yrs for me this month at my company, and also, the next door neighbours aunty's dog is going to be..ok let's leave it there. Looking forward to your ideas and make sure they aren't too expensive, as I've got a few new gadgets I'm saving for this year.

Right, that's your lot, aw jaw.

Have a great sleep,

A small man eating mug tonight.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Tuesday 10th January 2012 - The Journey Home

19:06 Semi fast to Watford

Howdie doodie and sorry for being slightly late with today's blog. For some strange reason, they wanted me to do some work today, so had to finish off some bits and bots before heading to platform 2.

The train has a massive 7 passengers in my bit. Come on its only 7pm, where is everyone? I am stretching out, like a yoof would do and lying with my legs along where 3 passengers would normally sit. Before you say anything, your right..there is still space for 2 people to sit where my legs end!

Headlines today are about the 20,000 new jobs and huge revamp of Euston Station on the back of the high speed train link being proposed. Neat, the mafia will be very happy about all these new jobs!

Advert of the day is "Switch off at night". I initially thought it was a 'be good to mother earth and her resources but no..., it's some night nurse type medication which 'can help switch off those repetitive unwanted thoughts so you can enjoy peace of mind for peaceful sleep'. Wowza! I'm getting a bottle of that for Preeti...job done

Today's thought of the day: Give a man a job and you have an employee. Teach a man how to shift blame and you have a manager...

Review of the day: The Warhorse. If Sarah Jessica Parker does not receive an Oscar for her performance, there is no justice...

Gadget of the day: Just read that LG have developed a smart fridge, so it bloody well should be for £2,000 which has a large LCD screen, camera and Internet connection for downloading receipes. You scan the shopping receipt and it knows what you have in there or use voice recognition to tell the fridge what the item is. It can automatically reorder from Waitrose when the item has been used. It then uses the recipe to turn the oven at the right temperature! Woah!! Preeti is so chucked...

Wow that was a long bit, but you know how much I love my technology!

Lyrics of the day: It must have been love...But I'm sober now...

Forget to tell you that I spent last night
going through all my old computers in the loft. So many memories...

Right gang, time to ask the fridge to come and pick me up, see you laters,

Have a peaceful sleep,

A small man called Kawks

Monday, 9 January 2012

Monday 9th January 2012 - The Journey Home

18:21 All stations to Uxbridge

Well hello there people. I trust you had a fabulous weekend and an even better Monday. We went to Lester for a Birthday party. Now, I think it's true to say that it was a bit different to your regular 'surprise party' said in an Indian accent, but it was an 80th Birthday Party. Yep that's right, there was no Disco though the bhajans were rather good! Beat my all time record of 2hrs 12 mins for sitting cross legged on the floor and everything!

So at Euston Square and this is the first full week back. Hurrah. The train is busy but most people seem to have a seat (old style train), so that's good.

The woman opposite looks Russian to me, she has that hairstyle, like there is one of those fluffy toy dogs on her head...nice!

The chap next to me looks like he is either a surgeon or a barrister. You know how they have their glasses tipped right at the tip of their nose and he is reading something which looks very interesting and thought provoking on his iPhone.

Before I forget, thank you very much for continuing to view my blog. I'm at 1774 views now, which is tremendous and when I get to 2000, I may even do another little rap song for you as a sign of my appreciation...

I just thought of a new section for the blog. Let me know what you think. I've titled it Uncle Kawks - Tip of the day.

Todays is that Netflix have finally launched their online movie service in the UK. They will charge £6 per month which is quite a bit less than other players but gonna have to have a look at the titles they have on offer before signing up. Watch this space...that why I got rid of Sky Movies a month ago which was costing £16, and the last movies I saw were Titantic (it sank) and King Kong (it died) on it.

Did you hear on the news this morning that Anthony Worrell Thompson was just given a CAUTION for shoplifting at Tesco? He should be doing 12 months community service making soup for the homeless,and that's just for starters......

Today's headline is "Games £1bn boost for the UK. Wow, how time have changed. I can still remember when my favourite chocolate bar only cost 23p...

Oh before I forget, set your watches, it's 200 days to go!

Today's advert is "how much", "how long" "you decide". Wowza, sounds like Friday night kerb crawling the streets around Highfields... Ah, it's about same sort of thing them, I.e. your gonna get screwed either way...

Lyrics for the day are "Sometimes I feel like throwing my hands up in the air!" I'm still traumatised by that bank robbery...

Has anyone been watching Sherlock on the Beeb. it's rather good and would recommend it, and you can catch up with previous episodes on Iplayer.

Russian lady is STILL on the same page of the newspaper, so she MUST be a spy for the KBG, either that or her dog is one hell of a slow reader.

The story in the paper today is about the rise of the male receptionists. Apparently, it's gone from none to a fifth in the city in the space of 5 years.
Interesting huh..let me know why you think there has been this shift in behaviour.

Thought for the day: Never throw your old bike out ; Recycle it...

Ok gang, time to comb my muchi as its a bit windy out there and I wanna see where I'm going, see you all again real soon, and pls do let me have some thoughts and comments about future topics,

Have a great sleep,

A small man called Kawks

Friday, 6 January 2012

Friday 6th January 2012 - The Journey Home

18:21 Semi fast to Watford

Whopee, It's Friday and we have the hardest week in the year behind us. Ready to give 5 days of work a go on Monday!

So, on the way home, got on the platform, got out the iphone and disaster!! It only had 11 percent battery life!! Oh no, what to do Kawks?? What will your devote blog followers think about a no show. 3 deep breaths and some 'Om Namah Shivays later, it came to me...Use your blackberry Kawks. Type it as an email and paste to the blog when you get home...and that my friends, is why they pay me the big bucks...

Look at that, already got to Baker Street and not got through the agenda yet!

Ok, this woman opposite me, probably doesn't use the tube much as she has spread her shopping bags right where my legs normally go, and now I'm getting some strange looks for sitting crossed legged on the seat. Having a peer in the bags, and posh lady appears to have purchased 2 Kashmir sweaters. I know that they were of the finest quality as my feet started sweating when they 'accidentially' went into her bag...

The bloke next to me is making a list on shop shop of items he needs to buy. So far he has buy new shirts...and oranges. I love the general public!

Headline into todays paper is 'Race for the last golden tickets'...wowza, that Charlie and the Chocolate Factory competition has dragged on a bit as it started when I was just a lad...

Ah, I see. Its about Olympic tickets being available for peeps who missed out first time round. Good luck folks, good luck, and if anyone 'wins' tickets to the table tennis, (oh yes, how cool am I...), let's make a date at the ping pong in the Excel Centre.
Did anyone watch yesterdays CBB? All I can say is Wowza...not sure about them being Celebs, but there are some ladies who were wearing skirts that were higher than their IQ. Shocking, but will be watching every second of it to see if their IQ improves...ah hem.

Todays advert is 'you are on the right line (see what they did there) if you want affordable health insurance). 70p per day. 70p a day! I can get a Twix and some change for the homeless bloke who seems to ride this tube with me most days for that!

I'll leave you with a new chat up line that I've just thought up for the unmarried ones (give me a call, my Mum will help find you your life partner) goes, I've got 2 people carriers..(Pause for admiration)...they are called my testicles...

And on that bombshell, Rayners is in the distance, so I bid you farewell, thanks for popping in and see you on Monday.

Humble regards

A small man called Kawks

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Thursday 5th January 2012 - The Journey Home

18:15 all stations to Uxbridge.

Evening gang. Hasn't it been blowy today! Lunchtime in the Square, and the ladies were furiously trying to hold onto their skirts. And that my friends is why the city is a dangerous place to work in...

On the new style tubes but managed to dash to the only available seat in the carriage. It's the "priority" seat so I've put on my sunglasses...

That reminds me, I have a feeling that it's National Braille week this week...

Onto the headlines. Ms Abbots twitter gets a mention as you would expect. Divide and rule...tut tut.

Also there is a lovely pic of Will and Kate in a story about a security scare.

Finally there is an article about Margaret Thatcher, and what she meant to the people she touched. All I remember about Maggie is that she did away with free milk at school, and I blame her now for being only being 5ft 2!

Before I forget, new for 2012, Preeti and Rajvi are leaving me because of my obsession with horse racing.

And they're off!...

People watch - there is an Indian dude with a "hein gericke" jacket on. Never heard of them.

Advert of the day is from my favourite channel - Dave. Suits - Two lawyers, one suit. Sounds bloody hilarious... Starts 17th Jan at 9pm...

Back to the paper, and page 9 has a story about a bloke who proposed to his girlfriend during the break of a basketball match, and they had it on the big screen. Apparently, she looked at the ring and said No! Wowza...and that my friends is why I only showed the ring box to Preeti before asking her to say Yes!

The woman next to me is playing Eric Clacton very loud and she has rubbish iPhone headphones. Yes ur right, she ain't Indian...

Today's thought for the day: Butterflies are not what they used to be...

Did anyone see that wonder goal that Tim Howard, the Everton goalie score last night! Amazing. He said later "I can't take credit for that goal. The wind helped it in. I understand that Manchester City are now preparing a £45million bid for the wind...

Right, that's your lot for today, Rayners is in touching distance and I need to put my normal glasses back on.

Best regards

A small man called Kawks

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Wednesday 4th January - The Journey home

17:56 all stations to not sure.

Bam, Just got on the tube as the doors shut so no idea where it's heading, but Indian people are on it, so looking good.

The reason for the delay in getting on was that outside Farringdon station, there was a pretty, young, homeless woman, who I thought I should do the right thing by and so asked her if I could take her home. She gave me a big smile and said Yes! The look on her face soon changed when I walked off with her cardboard box...

No messing about today, so let's check out the headlines (got my own copy of the ES today - lesson learnt yesterday posh lady...lesson learnt.

"Two jailed, four others on the loose" it says. Wowza, looks like the prison overcrowding problems aren't as bad as they were making out...

It's really about the racist killers of Stephen Lawrence, and they deserve to pay for what they did! Woah, went serious there for a sec, but it is a serious issue.

The top of the paper points to "Naked beauty - natural ways to be at your fresh faced best". See page 29. Right, no clothes for me tomorrow on the Met line..I want to be at my best after all!
Sorry for those eating your dinner whilst reading this...

Todays Met line book being read is "Disgrace" by I M Coetzee. It says on the top that it won the booker prize in 1999! Wow, whose had a Christmas present brought from a charity shop I wonder...

Today's advert - Wowza, it's a rude one again, advertising the London Sperm Bank. It has a tag line of 'be special, give Sperm'. Catchy...I wonder if they put it on here, as the Met line is always delayed and men are thinking...damn what am I'm supposed to do with the next 2 minutes 12 seconds whilst the circle line leaves platform 4 at Baker Street...

Quote of the day: Dalglish: "There are a lot of things we'd like to say but doing so would only get ourselves into trouble".That's because they're probably racist, Kenny...

Right, Rayners is here, so have a great sleep and remember...

Be special...

A small man called Kawks

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

3rd January 2012 - The Journey Home

HNY!! I used to say Happy New Year, but Rajvi has told me this is not cool. I thought this was initially something to do with New York, having some Hot weather, but apparently it's not...

So, how did your Chrimbo's and New Years go. As I came to work for the first time in about 2 weeks today, it was a joy to see so many happy people on the train. I think the lovely gales and rain helped a little here...

So on my journey home, and you may be thinking that I sound a little different today. That's very perceptive of you dear blog reader, and that's because i am taking the Piccadilly line home this evening. Rajvi did her big eyes, love u dad routine this morning and asked me to go to Jack Wills in Covent Garden after work to get some pink and blue stripey bag 'as it was in the Sale' and less than half price. See that's what kids do to you...

The main difference between this tube line and the met line is that this one is mostly full of tourists as you would expect. There is a chap talking loudly in what my star trek translator gadget is telling me is a mix of Bulgarian and Croatian. Then again..there are a few cz's in there, so may be Polish...

Having not really been out for a long time, I am a bit shocked again at how tall people are, especially on the PIC line as they lurch their backs to fit the tube arch.

I'm waiting for the lady sitting next to me to open the front page so I can read you today's headline from the evening standard. She is one of those people who only opens the paper wide enough for just HER to read. how rude! Will update u if I get to see it.

The adverts relate to 'Frustrating Day? Get home for some instant relief'...oo errr...ah, it's actually for LoveFilm. I'm gonna wait for Netflix as I hear they are gonna undercut everyone, thank you.

Today's thought of the day..."Surely they can just call it Zealand now."

Just some final news before I go, It may be the beginning of the year and that saying 'du du du du be forgot..Auld Lange Sign', but Preeti did not 'forgot' and is leaving me because of my obsession with Cricket. To be honest with you dear Blog reader, this news has knocked me for Six...

Righty, that's your lot! Have a great sleep (I sure will today!) and take care,

2012 regards,

A small man called Kawks