Morning dear FB reader. It's 08:35am, already an I'm at HOH! I did mean to start writing earlier, but slightly fell asleep. I blame Preeti! Last night she over estimated my ability to eat Pizza, and made 2 large ones. Maybe she thought that I'd actually walked it back from Manchester, rather than taking the wonderful Virgin service. Anyways, after getting through my 2 standard slices, there was quite a lot left...so guess what I was given for breakfast this morning and hence why I feel sleepy..

There were 3 yoofs on the tube (all stations to Algate). In true style they were living up to their reputation. Across the other side, 2 of them decided they required the full width of the seats to themselves, and they both must have had abnormally long legs, because they both had to stretch them out onto the opposite seats. Maybe they are off to Northwick Park Hospital to have them looked at...

The other yoof, who looks very much like Dappy from NDubz is sitting opposite me. He has all the gear including the NYC cap and is doing the 'attitude' face. Being quite knowledgeable about the fashion scene (thanks Raj), I was still taken a little bit by surprise when I read what what it said on his puffed up baseball style jacket. It had a big D on one side, and initially I thought it said Dunce! However, after a quick wipe of my glasses, I reread it and it actually said 'Duffer'! which I thought was equally bad! I was wondering if he had the words 'Dopey Dappy' on the back, but he got off whilst I was typing this so this will forever remain a mystery. He also had a strange combo of Blackberry (Curve 8520) with Apple headphones. Fashion fau par no. 2 me thinks. Look at me, I've turned into Gok Wan today!

As predicted at Wembley Park, a load more people got on and I was wondering if any of the passengers would ask the 2 yoofs with the leg problems to move up. It was fantastic, these 2 quite large chaps just plonked themselves down half squashing them, and forcing them to skooch up. Not without both of them making the 'raster clart' tutting sounds and the 'attitude face' to each other. Yes yoofs, the world must be against you...
Advert choice of the day, Vectone have an offer of unlimited calls to the motherland for £10 a month! that's landlines and mobiles...not bad folks not bad..but I think I will stick with Skype thanks...
We have just had a false alarm from the driver saying he may have to dump us at Baker Street as the train in front is stuck...the drama of it all, and as expected the announcement is followed by each passenger making eye contact with the opposite passenger whilst mouthing 'raster clart'..
Right folks, gonna catch some sleep now so have a beautiful day and look forward to receiving your feedback!
Good Night,
A small man called Kawks
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