The Met Line Journal

The life and times of a small man called Min, his daily journey's from Rayners Lane to Farringdon.

This blog is an insight into the wonderful world of the Met Line, packed into chunky bites of random thoughts, the weird and the wonderful sites I see on my journey to and from work, and the odd comedy gag...

Read it and weep (with laughter)...

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Got anything new to report? Min's MinIT update. Saturday 5th March 2016

Well hello hello! How are we all? Yes, I know it's Saturday, and I'm not actually on the Met line as we speak, but I did a blog last night on my way back, but my phone crashed just before I had a chance to post. :-(

But as Spiderman said, "with great gadgets, comes great responsibility", I knew the right thing to do was to have another go at doing it.

I have two topics to talk to you about today my lovely people. 

Gadget 1 - Sky Q

No, this isn't the the new name for the "sponsored by" James Bond tech man, but the next generation Sky box. As you would expect, I spent some time doing extensive research (youtube) to see what it was all about, and because I know how you depend on me to advise all 10,000 of my followers on these things, I took one for the team and decided to upgrade my old box. 

I decided to get the Sky Q Silver version rather than the basic one as if you are going to upgrade, then you might as well do it properly right? This one comes with a 2TB capacity (that's 350 hrs of HD recordings!...and if that still too hard to imagine, well it's about 3 bollywood movies, or a couple of star plus episodes including the 349 hrs of adverts of 'it's claim time yaar'.

And then we have 6, yep 6 tuners, rather than 2 in the old box. That means you can record 4 different programmes and then watch a 5th!, as you do!  You can also watch picture in picture whilst doing this, as no one just watches TV anymore without thinking, surely there must be something better on...

So, now we are recording all those programmes, move onto your tablets, as it lets you watch 2 different programmes on that too. Wowza!  They have this thing called "Fluid Viewing", which means you can pause a programme downstairs, and then continue where you left off on another TV, or device. It also lets sync to your ipad so you can continue watching the programme on the Met line. A bit like we have been doing with Netflix for a while. However, this is nice, as it copies it down, rather than relying on streaming it.

There are some other features that will be launched later in the year, such as 4K, and using your voice to control the remote control. The new interface is so much nicer and very easy to use. 

Check out the remote control. It has a touch pad in the middle which is great to use. It comes with a regular more traditional remote as well, so you can cover that one with plastic my indian friends. 

When the Sky people came on Monday, they said I was the first customer to get it (excluding Sky staff), as that because of my blog fame, Rupert had said something along the lines of 'make sure the small man from Rayners Lane gets it first'.  It came with a new router hub, which is miles better too, and the multibox old sky box upstairs was replaced with a new mini hub, which also works as a hotspot, so you get a better signal upstairs too!

So, I'm sure you are wondering, how much does all this tech cost, do I need to get another part time job in Iceland to cover the extra premiums. Well, that was the nice surprise. As we have lots of the sky package, TV, phone, Unlimited Fibre Internet, 2 sky boxes, those indian channels etc, the additional premium was only £1.50 a month. Neat huh. 

Ok, so you have to pay £150 for the Silver box and installation, but that was always going to be a one off cost, that I will tell my accountant to depreciate over the next 3 years...Min Marks out of 10...9.3562.  

Gadget 2 - Tesla Update

As some of may know, as I've kind of mentioned it every couple of minutes, one of the best things about owning a Tesla is that every couple of months, it learns new powers. As you may recall from a previous blog, it recently learnt kung fu...

Anywhoo, yesterday, we finally received the Summon update. They got it in the US a couple of months ago, but the rest of the world was waiting for regulatory  approval. 

Imagine the scene. You are in St Ann's Car park in Harrow, and there is only one space left that everyone else has left, as it's the one next to the big pillar and the man with the Range Rover (why do Indian people always feel they need to have the biggest cars?) who has also parked over the white line as he can't see that far down, so the parking space is even tighter. 

Well, worry not, now we have Summon!  Simply line up the car and then everything 'get out' (did you do that last bit in the terminator voice) and the car will go and park in the space by itself! You have to use the app to press the button and the sensors will make sure that you don't go crazy and reverse it off the top of the building...It also means that now when I get to my garage, I can just get out, as it opens the garage by itself and pops itself in there by itself. Well done KITT, shaabash and well done. 

Ok, people, let's leave it there! Wishing you a lovely weekend and a lovely sleep!

A small man called Min