So this evening, I left work to go to an external event all about visualisation in Shoreditch. It was billed as an exclusive event and I was given a special black card invite which I needed to show to get in. I thought to myself, woah, I wonder if Elon Musk or Kevin Spacey are coming as I'm sure they only go to things where you have to show a black card to get in...
Anywhoo, so I told Mrs Min that don't wait up, and make 3 less chapatis as I'll probably be fed and watered with the finest that Shoreditch chefs can offer. (Yes, I was hoping it wasn't going to be bloody mushroom risotto or pumpin butternut squash as it tends to be for us wierdo veggies)
I did the apple maps navigation and synced it with the watch so I could get the secret taps to show me the way to the gig. I analysed all the permutations and decided to take the 1min longer route along the main A10 route out of Liverpool Street rather than being mugged down some back alley, as my watch told me that sunset wasn't that far away...
Flashback: Just remembered many years ago we came to a wedding in London and the groom had hired a coach from Leocester to get us there. This was before mobiles phones and google maps was invented. So we get to London to pick some more random relatives up from Harrow and my uncle who lives in Lanndan town tells the driver that he knows the way to the wedding (school) hall so sat next to the driver. 2 hours later we finally get there and everyone is huffing and puffing as to why it had taken so long and the bride and groom had already started to do that bit where they go round and round a bit connected together so they don't run away. ( Can you tell I'm a Brahmin and know my religious stuff...)
So everyone is shouting at my uncle to say why the hell did it take so long for what was supposed to be a 30 minute journey. To which he says those immortal words..."I only know the way the bus goes"...
That was my Ronnie Corbett way of saying that I thought I'd stick to the main road. Ahem...
How was the event I hear you cry? Well it was in a warehouse and I thought, ok this looks cool, maybe I should have worn my purple trousers and grown a beard for tonight. I was already antisipating who were going to be the guest speakers, would Kevin be giving anything away about the plot to House of Cards Season 4...would Elon be rocking up in a Model X, that kind of thing. Perhaps they had discovered some amazeballs way of visualising data.
The host asked to see my black invite only card, and at that stage I was rather worried as I hadn't actually registered and was given the card by a colleague. Would it be a case of 'so close but not quite'. She looked at the card, I did my sad cute face and she let me in. Whohoo!!
So how was this super cool event I hear you asked. Well 3 minutes later I was done. They had stuck some 'information is beautiful' style things on the wall and err that was it!!! No Kevin, no speakers and a bloody 0.3mile walk to Liverpool. Oh well, at least they had a go at spreading the word on analytics...
Walking back and I did realise that London is rather beautiful though. Check out this pic of the Gerkin...
I've made it all the way to Finchley road now and got the wifi signal back so told Mrs Min to get the rotlis back on..
I've got an amazing app to tell you about but will save that for another day as I've gone on a bit today.
Hope you have a great sleep!
A small man called Min