Advert of the week:
Woah! Initially I thought this was another dating style website, which I guess it kind of is..without the dating! Its a bank with a difference I guess, as not only can you specify if you want your child to have blue eyes and likely to be a giant (6ft), but also what occupation they will do when they grow up!!! Wowza! Not sure many people will be ticking that accountant box...
So what else has been going on in the world? Oh yes. Scotland...I have been doing quite a bit of analytics on this topic over the last week and I had predicted that it was always going to be No. How did I do this you asked Min? Are you a magician? Can you see into the future? Please tell us... Well, it's quite simple. If you looked at the odds at the bookies, you could see that the bookies had started paying out on the 'no vote' from earlier this week! Money always concentrates the mind huh.
I know that Cobra, the emergency govt committee had lots of contingencies in place just in case the Scots had actually got their wish. The plan was to take this on the chin, and let them call their new country something that would be a blend of both countries so they don't forget their history. The plan was for them to go for the first 3 letters of the country where Westminster was and the last 4 letters of their current country...
It was a bit sad to see Alex Salmond retiring from politics though. Just remember Alex, there's always a welcoming place for you south of the border....France.
It did make me chuckle that Scotland can leave the UK simply by checking a box that says "Yes." and I have to agree to 18 pages of terms and conditions to download iOS 8.
I was up late into the night checking those and downloaded it last night. It's not that different but I do like the new predictive keyboard and the fact you can add your voice to text messages. Woah, what next? The ability to actually call them?
Tip of the week: Fed up with waiting ages for your iPhone to charge? Well, did you know that if you put it in Airplane mode whilst you do, it will charge loads quicker! Also means that Mrs Min can't contact me for a bit...
App of the week: Like your music tunes but also want to discover new songs for that genre? Do you spend lots of time on the tube with no signal or don't want to use your precious data allowance. Well Blinkbox is for you! It's really neat! Just select an artist or genre of music and it creates a personal radio station for you but the best thing is that you can ask it to download the songs to your phone for free! Hurrah! It's helped me with my street cred with the kids at work when I start humming 'Somebody to you' by the Vamps
It's a super app and I give the app 9.2353 out of 10. This blog was brought to you by my sponsors Tesco...
Latest news: Idi Amin still remains the last king of Scotland..
Right managed to get all the way to Green Park! Enjoy the weekend and have a lovely sleep!
A small man called Min.