The Met Line Journal

The life and times of a small man called Min, his daily journey's from Rayners Lane to Farringdon.

This blog is an insight into the wonderful world of the Met Line, packed into chunky bites of random thoughts, the weird and the wonderful sites I see on my journey to and from work, and the odd comedy gag...

Read it and weep (with laughter)...

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Got anything new to report? - Min's MinIT Update. Wednesday 28th May 2014

Well hello hello! How are we all?

Yes I know I didn't do a blog last week, but I was washing my hair...

Looking around the met line and there certainly seem to be a growing number of people with Bose big can headphones. Maybe the economy is really picking up!

Woah...just had a flashback to the science museum as the chap next to me is still using a blackberry! Remember them? Perhaps his City bonus wasn't as impressive as Bose Man.

Advert of the week: "People shouldn't have to spend time to spend money". Thanks PayPal. I certainly won't be showing that advert to Mrs Min!

App of the week: Timehop. So I've been using this app for the last week and it's like going for a ride down memory lane. What does it do? Well let me tell you my dear blog reader...

You know how time flies and you sometimes think to yourself, woah what was I doing on this day exactly a year ago, or two years ago or... you get the gist...Well that's where this app comes in! It hoovers up all your Facebook statuses, tweets, photos ( from iPhoto sorry android dudes), your check ins on foursquare, Instagram, your camera roll and Dropbox and everyday plays you back some lovely memories! For folks with a mac, there is an install for syncing all those thousands of pics you have stored in iPhoto's. It's a super duper app and if nothing else I learnt that Mrs Min has been leaving me for quite a number of years and also it great to see how well you have aged...Min Marks out of 10...9.34

Finally, just to let you know that this morning I dropped in to see the company psychiatrist and asked if he could do anything for my fear of rejection.

He said, "No."....

Right that's your lot! Have a lovely (insert something lovely) and a great sleep!

A small man called Min

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Got anything new to report? - Min's MinIT Update. Wednesday 7th May 2014

Well hello hello! How are we all?

So they called off the tube strike this week. Hurrah. Doing the analytics based on historical threatened strikes, I knew there was a 87.464% probably that it would have been cancelled...that and I flipped heads!

So, currently stuck in a tunnel between Farringdon and Kings X with a load of French folks who are getting more animated by the moment about missing their journey home to Arsenal. Joke! To France...

Tube advert of the week: When faster is not better.  So any ideas what's this is for. Nope, not about broadband speeds...anyone else, nope not about tube delays. This my dear blog reader is about your partner making love a tad too quickly for your liking! Err rude. There is a woman sat up in bed looking sad and the  man fast asleep on the bed.  I guess they were never going to have that the other way around. Anyways, if your the one sleeping, wake up and go and have a look at and they will sort you out...(currently have an offer, first come first served...)

Update on 2048: so still addicted to this game and moved my highest score to 55,060 so let me know if you beat that...

Movie of the week: The Min family went to the IMAX in Uxbridge over the bank holiday to watch the Amazing Spider-Man 2. Boy those tickets have gone up a bit since I used to get into cinema for £1.50 (with a student card). For the 3 of us, it was £44.10!! And that's before popcorn..not that I could eat much after shelling out that much of Mrs Min's money. That could have been a down payment on me building my own cinema room.  However, as I suspected that it was going to be an expensive gig, I did the analytics (cos that's what we do) and Spider Man was one of the longest movies showing at 142 mins. (Nope there were not any Bollywood movies on that night). So per minute it wasn't sooo bad. The movie was actually rather good and had lots of cool stunts, baddies and even made Rajvi cry at the end. Shame he had to die (was a sticky end).  Oh, sorry meant to say Spoiler Alert...Spider marks out of 10...9.2532

App of the week: Tippy Tap. They say (ok it's mostly me) that giving your brain a work out is much better for you than going to the gym, especially if you use both hands and improve your reaction times. No people this isn't about that advert again, it's a lovely simple game where you use you thumbs to tippy tap on the black stones which start off slow and progressively get faster. It's well fun and will keep you amused for minutes! Min marks out of 10...9.5322. Let me know how you get on.

Oh, Mrs Min has said she's leaving me as
she said I still act like a child.  No idea what's she talking about, but I've banned her from my treehouse...

Right! That's your lot! Have a good one and a lovely sleep.

A small man called Min