This week the 'Small man called Min live tour' went to Munich and I learnt that they like analytics and science and beer. I learnt that they invented most things, like the light bulb (they do like to show this off as you can see from the rather grand chandelier pic which was in my hotel room) and the computer and the airplane. Don't tell the Wright Brothers about that last one.
So on the lovely met line and everyone is looking quite pleased with themselves. Wonder if that's because they got their Mother's Day presents sorted?
Advert on the tube: if you spot someone Ill or in pain please help them off the train.
Nice, what about if they were on the way to Northwick Park Hospital as they weren't well and now you've just rugby tacked them off the train at Great Portland Street as they had looked a bit pink...
App of the week: Medium. Ok this week I have something slightly different for you. It's not as you may think from the title some sort of app to let you connect with the spirits world, or an app talking about the average size of clothing. No my friends, this is called Medium for no reason at's a really interesting set of articles (similar to flipboard) that you can also read offline in the tunnels between Kings Cross and Finchely Road. What I really like is the wide selection of articles they have and a little symbol on the front page that tells you how many minutes it should take you to read it (no pressure!) So this week I've been reading about "10 things I know about being happy (2 mins), 4 ways to make your brain work better (6 mins) and washing machine for men (4 mins). I learnt that "58 % of British men can’t use a washing machine properly because they find the household appliance confusing.”
There you go! Seriously the articles are really interesting and I've tried to change some of my habits already. For example, the brain one said that our minds weren't developed for multitasking and you shouldn't do what I do, which is switch in rapid succession from emails, Facebook, Twitter,web stuff, etc as this is blowing our minds and productivity. Instead, the man said that you should focus on 1 task at a time, so I won't be taking my iphone to the toilet any more...If nothing else you will get some lovely and interesting facts and stories after spending only a few minutes reading the 'mediums' and will look far more intelligent than you actually are and it's free! Min marks out of 10. - 9.13
Thought of the week: Why don't travel agents ever ask you if you've got any nice haircuts planned?...
Right that's your lot! Have a great sleep and give your mothers an extra hug from me this Sunday.
A small man called Min